Speaking in tounges

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My teenage daughter asked me about speaking in tounges as the New Testament speaks about. She has friends very active in a protestant church who she was discussing this with and we were wondering the church’s position on this.
20 years ago I was at a Catholic Charismatic Mass where there were people speaking in tounges, but I have not seen this type of thing in a Catholic Church since. I personally do not think it is necessary to “babble”. I have viewed speaking in tounges as having to do with perhaps a preist having an unexplained ability to speak a foriegn language.
I have had experiences where I was seeking (in prayer) the answer to a particular problem / or question I had and without asking a question, God seemed to answer me through a priest at Mass or at a retreat. This is a sort of “language” that only I could have understood. In an obscure way, could be the speaking of tounges too. ?
My red flag went up at your post. Most Protestant churches that speak in tongues, do not believe Catholics are Christians. It sounds as if her friends are trying to “save” your daughter. The good news is it has your daughter (and you) asking quesions about your faith. But you need to really make sure your daughter is firmly rooted in her Catholic faith or she could be drawn away.

Specifically to your question, I do not know how tongues are practiced in the Catholic Church, but JPII has put his stamp of approval on Charismatic Catholic Church movement, so I do know you can speak in tongues and be a “good” Catholic. Other than that, my only knowledge of tongues comes from an Assembly of God church that I attended. I was given the gift of interpretation once.

While I do think you received an answer to your prayer from those people, I would not call that speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is either a foreign language or the “tongue of angels”. The other ways you speak of are simply, in my book, God talking to you and reaching your heart.

God Bless,
Speaking in tongues is not babbling.

It is praying in the Spirit!

Romans 8: 26-28 *In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
This describes the purpose behind speaking in tongues.
Charisms given by the Holy Spirit are to build up the Body of Christ.They are for the edification of the Church.

Praying in tongues is one of the deep way in which we can pray.
It is actually the Holy Spirit interceding for us.

I personally believe that it is a powerful prayer. It is not a gift I have been given, but I believe that it is a real charism given to believers today.
I don’t believe that speaking in tongues edifies the church without there being some type of interpreter. However, I tend to believe that God will meet you where you are. He’s not going to make you jump through hoops and interpret someone else’s speaking in tongues to send you a message. He will do it through His Word and the leading of the people He has appointed as leaders. I don’t believe that people who think they can speak in tongues aren’t Christians, because they believe the core doctrine like we do. So, I would arm this girl with the truth of God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins and these pentacostals who are trying to “show her the way” should back off. Good luck!

I recently heard tounges and was blessed in tounges too. I think tounges is wicked cool, to me it was just so cool to hear it.

I dont know what else to really say about tounges besides that hearing it was an awesome experience and soon i will be receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and hopefully soon after, i will be able to speak in tounges, jumps for joy!!! plus hopefully receive other gifts of the Holy Spirit, healing, bi-locating, and levatation.

Peace, Joy and keep the faith!
Acts 2:5-13. The purpose of the gift from The Holy Spirt of languages (tongues) was so that the Apostles were able to spread the Gospel to others. Since they were all Galiliens (verse 7), their being able to travel to other lands and spread the glorious news of Christ would not have been possible without this remarkable gift. What purpose would have been served if no one could understand their message?
I recently heard tounges and was blessed in tounges too. I think tounges is wicked cool, to me it was just so cool to hear it.

I dont know what else to really say about tounges besides that hearing it was an awesome experience and soon i will be receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and hopefully soon after, i will be able to speak in tounges, jumps for joy!!! plus hopefully receive other gifts of the Holy Spirit, healing, bi-locating, and levatation.

Peace, Joy and keep the faith!
Gift of levatation? Boy I could use that one. I wake up with a sore back many days. I guess Ill recieve that gift when Jesus brings me home.What a ride through the clouds. 😃
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