Speaking Latin in mass?

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So I am not Catholic yet but would very well like to become one and in two weeks I might even go to a real mass ( I only went to one mass for Christmas in 2002, and being small, didn’t understand anything. I did try to understand though, unlike the adults)
Anyway, my first question is-
  1. Would it be disrespectful to the Priest if, while the rest prayed in English, I prayed in Latin? ( I prayed my first rosary today!) reading from a prayer book of my own. (No real reason why I want Latin, it just sounds cooler)
  2. Does the priest read some passage from the bible? Can I take a Vulgate/ Latin bible into the cathedral? I’m not too keen on this one as I don’t know much of Latin myself, but eventually . . . 2- 3 years later?
  3. Also, totally unrelated to the other questions . . . how exactly does one pray the rosary? Today I read the six prayers but after that you have the twenty mysteries to say on one day of the week. Is that part of the prayer? Are we actually supposed to say them out loud, or just read them? I couldn’t find the answer online so I finished with the six prayers (in Latin)
    I looked everywhere but couldn’t find the Latin version of the mysteries so I assumed they were just for personal knowledge and reading.
So I am not Catholic yet but would very well like to become one and in two weeks I might even go to a real mass ( I only went to one mass for Christmas in 2002, and being small, didn’t understand anything. I did try to understand though, unlike the adults)
Anyway, my first question is-
  1. Would it be disrespectful to the Priest if, while the rest prayed in English, I prayed in Latin? ( I prayed my first rosary today!) reading from a prayer book of my own. (No real reason why I want Latin, it just sounds cooler)
  2. Does the priest read some passage from the bible? Can I take a Vulgate/ Latin bible into the cathedral? I’m not too keen on this one as I don’t know much of Latin myself, but eventually . . . 2- 3 years later?
  3. Also, totally unrelated to the other questions . . . how exactly does one pray the rosary? Today I read the six prayers but after that you have the twenty mysteries to say on one day of the week. Is that part of the prayer? Are we actually supposed to say them out loud, or just read them? I couldn’t find the answer online so I finished with the six prayers (in Latin)
    I looked everywhere but couldn’t find the Latin version of the mysteries so I assumed they were just for personal knowledge and reading.
  1. I’m not sure when you would be praying in Latin and the priest in English. There are times in the Novus Ordo where Latin can (and should) be used. But ultimately the answer is that you should respond in the language the congregation is using. You’re not there to have your own, private Mass - you’re participating in the liturgy of the body of Christ. If you’re particularly keen on Latin, you can always find a parish that celebrates the TLM. There’s nothing wrong with that. Also, the Church typically receives people into the Church on Easter. If you aren’t already a baptized and well-catechized Protestant, the Church will, depending upon your age, ask you to attend RCIA and learn about the faith and also to learn to “think Catholic.”
  2. At Sunday liturgies, three readings plus the Psalms are read. Lectors read the first two (typically a passage from the OT, then something from Paul or Acts), the cantor will sing the Psalm, then the priest or a deacon will read the Gospel. It will be in English. Even in TLM Masses, the priest will often read the Gospel in English for the sake of the congregation. I know Latin - I have taught it as a grad student at the university level - and I don’t bring a Vulgate with me. If you want, it would be good to read through the readings prior to Mass or after. You can bring a Missal with you which will have the readings in them.
  3. The rosary begins, “In the name of the Father…” etc. You can say this in Latin (In nomine Patris…). Then the Apostle’s Creed is recited. Then an Our Father. Three Hail Marys are said for the increase of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Then you pray through the mysteries of that day. Each day has 5 Mysteries. Today is Wednesday and so the Glorious Mysteries are the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven, and the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So, after you pray the three Hail Marys, you think on the first mystery (here the Resurrection), say an Our Father, then 10 Hail Marys, all the while contemplating the mystery. Once you get through the ten, you say a “Glory Be”, then you can say the Fatima Prayer (“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.”) Then you say an Our Father while contemplating the second mystery, and so on.
After you have made it through the 5 Mysteries, many people will often say an Our Father and three Hail Marys for the intentions of the Pope. The Salve Regina is a common way to end the rosary.
latin is the language of the vatican. so i dont think its disrespectful. obviously dont try to draw attention to it. if anything , it shows a keen interest in the catholic traditions. probably a good thing.

edit- the above poster knows better. maybe keep latin for private study and prayer.
I second Tatian’s suggestion to find yourself a Traditional Latin Mass. There are websites that list ones approved by the Church, such as (for North America) Coalition Ecclesia Dei.
Oh thanks people. I didn’t expect 3 answers so soon. The only problem is… I don’t really think we have a traditional Latin mass in Halifax (the one in Canada) I think I’ll just go first (with a suit and fedora:D and see what goes on. After that I will decide. Thanks again!

Oh and I appreciate the answer for my 3rd question but I didn’t really get that. Too many names. Can someone simplify? Do we have to say the mysteries out loud or not?
Oh thanks people. I didn’t expect 3 answers so soon. The only problem is… I don’t really think we have a traditional Latin mass in Halifax (the one in Canada) I think I’ll just go first (with a suit and fedora:D and see what goes on. After that I will decide. Thanks again!

Oh and I appreciate the answer for my 3rd question but I didn’t really get that. Too many names. Can someone simplify? Do we have to say the mysteries out loud or not?
Just a note: dressing up for Mass is about showing respect to the Lord who is present in the Eucharist. The King of the Universe is before us, so we give Him our best (whatever that might be).

You can say them aloud if you’re praying with others or by yourself. If you’re praying in a more public place, you can simply think them. I always announce the mystery either in my head or vocally - “The first Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection. Our Father, who art in Heaven…”
So I am not Catholic yet but would very well like to become one and in two weeks I might even go to a real mass ( I only went to one mass for Christmas in 2002, and being small, didn’t understand anything. I did try to understand though, unlike the adults)
Anyway, my first question is-
  1. Would it be disrespectful to the Priest if, while the rest prayed in English, I prayed in Latin? ( I prayed my first rosary today!) reading from a prayer book of my own. (No real reason why I want Latin, it just sounds cooler)
I do it either in Latin or Spanish, if I’m at a Spanish Mass, although quietly. I’m not too fond of English in the Mass; sounds too boisterous, arrogant, casual, banal, or something.
Hey, guess what? Tru saying the rosary in Latin!
This is a great website, by the way, that you might like to check out! It IS in communion with Rome.
This website gives guidelines on how to actu during Mass. For some of the practices, you can implement for yourself immediately. For others, you would want to write a letter to your Bishop. The guidelines for YOUR actions you can put in place now. The guidelines for the traditional PRIESTS actions you need to have implemented in your diocese by the Bishop.
Just go to a Latin Mass, also known as the Extraordinary Form Mass. It is all in Latin and is extremely beautiful. It originates from the Apostles; in fact, we have Missals of this Mass from the time of Pope St. Gregory the Great. This Mass developed naturally throughout the centuries. There is a prayer called the Roman Canon; this prayer is one of the oldest prayers in Chritianity, and is part of the Old Latin Mass. The new Mass has the option to use this prayer, but it isn’t mandatory.

The Mass said in English, known as the Ordinary Form, is very rarely said in Latin. This Mass can be very beautiful if celebrated correctly, but it doesn’t come to us from the Apostles. It was created by a committee in the 1960’s. Many of it’s parts are ancient, but it is a modern creation. The man who created the Ordinary Form is called Anibale Bugnini. It is a valid form of the Mass, but it breaks with the past and cannot be said to be a historic part of the Catholic religion.

We had the Old Latin Mass until 1969. For decades, many within the Church thought we were’t allowed to celebrate this Mass anymore. However, in 2007 Pope Benedict said that any Catholic can attend the Extraordinary Form.

I recommend that you attend the Old Latin Mass. It is truly ancient; it’s prayers are beautiful and it made Saints for centuries.
But that’s the problem you see . . . Up till recently (ten years or so) there was only one place in nova Scotia which commenced in latin which has since closed down. I can’t go to a different province just for mass ( the nearest latin one is in Montreal i think) that’s why I was asking if I could do it in latin while the rest were praying in English. But I understand . . . we are in a group so I shouldn’t do something different than them
I make the Latin responses under my breath all the time. Often I do it without thinking about it. I went to a Latin Novus Ordo Mass for about 8 years, it’s just ingrained in me. Sometimes I remember to say them in English. It’s OK either way, just don’t become a distraction to others.
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