Speculation about the Great Monarch

  • Thread starter Thread starter kevinpius
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I’ve been considering the life of the Servant of God, Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria, CMF… especially the fact that he went to Jerusalem in June 1976 and dedicated his work, the Missionaries of Perpetual Adoration, to Our Lord at the Holy Sepulcher. Here are parallels in Father’s life and references to the Great Monarch.
  1. Both are identified with France. Fr. Aloysius is from one of the Spanish Basque provinces, and three Basque provinces are in France. In the time of Napoleon, he was considering a completely separate nation for the Basques, because they are unified in their language and culture.
  2. The Fleur-de-Lis as a reference to purity, a special virtue cultivated by Fr. Aloysius with his teaching on heroic chastity.
  3. In his role as a founder and administrator of a congregation of men, Fr. Aloysius could be considered a monarch or superior general of his new order.
  4. He work was like a personal prelature through which he wanted to continue until the end of time. Opus Dei is a personal prelature and Father instructed us to look into how the Opus Dei was organized. Father Aloysius authority over the movement was like that of the prelate in a personal prelature.
  5. The sinew of Father’s hip was operated upon in 1976 and he did limp the rest of his life.
  6. He went to Jerusalem to dedicate his life’s work to Our Lord. He was received by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and he prostrated himself on location of the Holy Sepulture. There are photographs of these moments.
7.Father insisted on a renewal in the faith and morals of Catholics, i.e., a restoration to the beauty of the faith.
  1. Father’s family goes back to the 9th Century, the time of Charlemagne. So does the family Coat of Arms.
  2. Henry is the name of the monarch. This name “Henry” means “home rule” which is what Father Aloysius did. he ruled his order, and he made sure it would continue by setting up fiduciaries in a trust arrangement to continue his legacy through his beneficiaries.
These parallels are not hard to see. However, if indeed there is such a prophecy, and if Fr. Aloysius can be identified with the prophecy, we still haven’t seen the fruits, i.e. a restoration of Faith… at least not yet!
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