Speechless - ABC

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Anyone else watch this show? It’s cute. A comedy about a family where one of the kids has cerebral palsy. I can tell the writers must either have a disability themselves or they grew up around handicapped people, because most of the situations they get into are dead accurate. And funny!

Anyways, it’s nice to see some positive representation of disability out there that doesn’t turn the handicapped into a plot device to help the able bodied learn compassion, or push a pro-euthanasia message. It’s just normal people living their life, which happens to involve a wheelchair.

Anyways, I encourage everyone who hasn’t seen it to check it out. We need more shows like it on television. :+1:t3:
Thanks for sharing this information. I will watch this show soon. Glad so ee their is a positive representation of the handicapped.
The young man who plays “JJ” has cerebral palsy, so I’m sure he adds much to the material.

In real life, the actor who plays “JJ” can speak (not quite clearly) and I think can walk a bit, but it still is great they picked a knowledgeable actor.
I was really iffy about the show for teh first couple of episodes, but by the end of the season it was one of my wife and my’s favorites. I think the mom goes overboard, and the dad is played for the fool a bit too much, but overall I find it very enjoyable. My Godmother has a very mild case of Cerebral Palsy, or something very similar, so I definitely enjoy seeing someone with that condition shown so positively.
My wife and I started watching it, but sort of fell off after the first half of the season. We did enjoy it, though. Having a special needs son, it does make me happy to see shows including special needs characters without necessarily turning it into an after school special.

There’s the show “The Good Doctor” starting up this year. I’m hoping that one is good, too.
I watched an episode and it was nice. Just wanted to mention though that the commercial I saw regarding the Halloween special shows the main character spelling his words using a ouji board.
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