Spiritual Adoption: Do your parishes do this?

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Each January, my parish offers Spiritual Adoption, which is naming and praying daily for 9 months for an unknown child’s life to be spared abortion and allowed to live. It is said that the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged this. If you want to participate you’re given this little packet with a little pin, commitment card and an Our Lady of Guadalupe - Intercessor of the Unborn prayer card with the prayer printed on it to be said daily for 9 mos. and a place to fill in the name you wish to give your baby (I named mine Ella Rose). Each month in our bulletin, an update is given on which stage the unborn baby is at in its growth and development. At the end of the 9 mos. a shower is given and the clothes, diapers, bottles, etc. are distributed to unwed mothers and babies through the St. Vincent de Paul society.

This is the prayer:

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”

"The name I wish to give my baby is ________. During your earthly life this spiritually adopted child of yours will be known only to God but in the world to come it is hoped that you will meet the souls your prayers saved and spend eternal happiness with them.

“Jesus may your peace and your love embrace the hearts, minds and souls of the family, friends and loved ones who encourage this abortion and lead them all to your Sacred and Eucharistic Heart.”
I love this devotion! When I was a teenager I felt especially devoted to praying for my little spiritually adopted baby. I filled out the card, and recently I found it again! And you know what? The date that the baby was to be born was the same date (only several years earlier) as the date that I most miraculously met my future husband! It was a sweet little “coincidence” 🙂

My mom gets very enthusiastic and says the prayer for all the little unborn babies in the world instead of just one 😃 Unfortunately, I have not seen this devotion in my current parish, though.
We do the same thing at our parish. We don’t do the updates in the bulletin but we get the prayer card and they place a bassinet at both ends of the church for collecting all the things a baby would need and then they are distributed properly. I named “my” baby Luke. I think it’s a good thing to do.
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