Spiritual Bouquet for Advent for Members

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Dear Sisters & Brothers,
We are starting a Spiritual Bouquet for Advent. If anyone would like to be added, please reply via this thread or e-mail me or lewlo (another member).

Not sure what this is Shannin. Can you explain? Do you mean adding my intention?
Dear Friend,
I wasn’t sure either until someone explained it to me. A spiritual bouquet simply means that we say prayers for each other. If you have a special intent, you can either post it here or e-mail it to one of us.
I will join you, and remember you all in the Sacred Heart Novena which our group says every Friday.
Thank you Mysty101. I will remember you and the others in my prayers throughout Advent. God hears our prayers and they will be answered in His time.

I would also like to plan a day of fasting for each other’s intentions as the Advent season progresses.

Pray, Hope & Don’t Worry (Padre Pio)
OK - I like that idea. I am praying for some conversions. Please add me to your list and I will join in on praying for the members here.

Beautiful for the season. God bless you.
Dear jrabs,

Great, I’ve added you.

So far we have Shannin (me); lewlo; John Russell; Mysty101 and jrabs (you). My prayers are continuing.

Feel free to send any of us a message anytime.

Pray, Hope & Don't Worry
Said a rosary for all of you last night. I will keep you in my prayers.

My prayers are continuing. May God bless all of you and your families. I pray that the Holy Spirit comes into our lives and the lives of our family members and guides each and every one of us.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee
Blessed are You among women and
Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death.

Dear Shannin

Beautiful! I would like to partake. I will pray for all of the people on this forum not just those partaking in the Spiritual Bouquet.

Would you all please remember to say a little prayer for these intentions that are very dear to my heart
  1. People of any age suffering with cancer either terminal or curable and their families along with all those who suffer in mind, body or spirit that God the Father may heal them through His Son and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Peace in homes, nations and throughout the world
  3. A spread of Christ’s love between people, from the reception of Christ’s love by the power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, that we may open our hearts and let this flood out to each other in all we do, say and think.
  4. For conversion to and within faith, for a call to deeper understanding of faith and a desire by the power of the Holy Spirit for all peoples of the world to possess the virtue of wisdom and to come to know, love and serve the Lord in a deep and consuming faith
  5. For the ability of people to be able to look beyond the superifical or outward appearance and love all people as Christ does, those who are wrongly perceived as undesireable, inconvenient and sometimes go unnoticed, wrongly treated as useless, inhuman and not worthy of the love of humanity or the kingdom of God.
  6. For vocations to the religious life
  7. To realise where we live is our area of mission and within our local area bring the love and kindness of Christ to all we meet daily.
  8. To never cease to die to self and sacrifice, to become the eyes hands and heart of Christ Jesus. To re-affirm every day a constant re-birth in Christ Jesus and to bring by the power of the Holy Spirit ourselves and others ever closer to union with God
  9. That people may realise what the love is of our Father in heaven, how unending His mercy is, His Eternal care for us, though we are sinners; in, by and through His Son He so freely gave in love of us, we are able to make an eternal share in His Kingdom, by the unending love, mercy and forgiveness of God our Father.
  10. That all of these intentions are asked through our Mother Mary , who I love dearly, that Her Son may grant my petitions
God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear Lord, As we await the birthday of Your Son, I ask you in the name of Your Son, Jesus, to please touch all of our hearts and the hearts of our family and friends and fill us with the Holy Spirit so that that Your love will flood out of us and touch everyone that we come in contact with. Please shower us with your grace and help us to break through all of the barriers in our lives that keep us from You. You know us so well and You know what our needs are. I ask you to please grant us healings, peace and joy during this Advent.

Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee
Blessed are you among women
and Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus
Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death.

Count me in! I will pray for all your intentions and for all of your families to have a wonderful and spirit filled Advent and Christmas Season.

I want to add a special mention for the safety of all our military that are far from home and missing the support of their families. May God strengthen them during these troubled times and bring them all home to the comfort of their families.
Count me in. I’m praying for conversions, and a career change.
I pray for conversions (including my own continuing conversion to Christ, something I have always prayed for since I learned that conversion is not an on-off switch but continually deepens) and for an end to schism in the Church!
Dear Lord, we ask You to guide Sirach14 with his career. Please give him strength and discernment and guide him towards a career that he will shine in. Please protect all soldiers in Iraq and keep them safe. We also ask you to hear all of our silent intentions. Most importantly, please help all of us to have a very holy Advent and to become closer to You as we await our Savior’s birthday. We ask You this in the name of Your Son, and our Savior, Jesus.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with You
Blessed are You among women and
Blessed is the fruit of Your womb, Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death.

Dear friends

I am still keeping all on this forum and it’s workers, administrators etc in my prayers. Please keep this thread alive , it is prayer that reaffirms our faith daily in the Truine God, prayer that is the preparatory work for any step in Christ Jesus. Jesus withdrew Himself regularly to speak with His Father, sometimes very early in the morning and sometimes throughout the night. Perhaps we should remember to make an early morning prayer or keep a vigil with Christ throughout the night and always maintain that life itself is prayer…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love

Brothers and Sisters,
My prayers are also continuing for all of us thorugh this Advent. I feel the prayers and my attitude is much better these days. Another friend has joined us. His name is Bennet.

Blessings to All,
QUOTE=Teresa9]Dear friends

Jesus withdrew Himself regularly to speak with His Father, sometimes very early in the morning and sometimes throughout the night. Perhaps we should remember to make an early morning prayer or keep a vigil with Christ throughout the night and always maintain that life itself is prayer…

Dear Teresa,
How true. Life IS a prayer in itself. I’ve been praying throughout the day, while at my computer at work. I feel the prayers of my brothers and sisters through this thread and it has helped me so much. You are right, Jesus went off by himself, many many times throughout the day to be with is Father in prayer. Prayer does not have to be anything formal, although that is good too, it can be a simple “THOUGHT”. God knows what is in our hearts.

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