spiritual dryness

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Help! I am in a spiritual desert . I believe in God and His Church, go to Mass every Sunday, read good Catholic literature, read my bible, but somehow I am having a very hard time praying and an even harder time hearing the responses, if there are any to hear. I must admit that my parish has been going through some rough times and I won’t go into detail because I could write a book, and my teen-agers (twin 15 year old girls) are driving me crazy. I used to have great zeal but for the past few months I’m not even lukewarm, but cold… Anybody else been in this desert and how did you get out?
God is closer to you now than he has ever been. You have grown a lot spiritually or you would not be in a desert. He only trust his good friends with deserts. Was it St. Thresa who said if you treat your friends like this, no wonder you don’t have many. Somthing to that effect anyway. Just hold on, you will be ok.

Oh one thing don’t ask for patience. Ask for perseverence, wisdom, understanding, anything but not patience. We only gain patience through trials.

Pani Rose
I have gone through the same thing just this month. The best thing to do is to realize thatGod is always with you, whether you talk and get a response or not, God is there. He is watching over you and us and will never leave. You are going through this not because you are weak spiritually but have either seen a truth about the world and wonder why nothing was done to stop it or are exausted physically or emotionlly, but not spiritually. It was a process I went through and survived and now you must survive as well.

Remember, it took Jesus more than a day to completely win over the heart of Peter.
Hi Moira,
You are not alone wandering the desert. I think I am ten paces ahead of you! But ya gotta hang close to God and the sacraments, even if you are not feeling Him near.

He is using this time to stretch your faith. It is times like these when we grow. Is there something you feel God has been asking you to do that you are putting off? Fasting or daily mass or something?

Mine was fasting. I felt the Lord wanted to get me to do a bread and water fast once a week but I was coming up with the excuses to postpone my fasting. Then I just gave in and decided do it - if I want blessings then I need to do God’s will.

As for your daughters…I have two boys that were driving me nuts. I am a single mom and get no relief what-so ever with child care. I prayed hard for a bit of relief and rest in Jesus, and to my amazement, God has brought me that very peace. I have had friends ask to take both kids for the day, or for overnights - what a surprise gift from God! An hour here or there, just to go to Adoration (where I run for peace).

He will deliver if you ask! Dont’ get discouraged, but just keep on pressing on! I also ask Jesus to hug me at Adoration.

I will pray for you and ask Jesus to hug you.
Do you have a ministry yourself?

Perhaps to volunteer to drive somebody to their doctor. Or something similar once in awhile?

The Great Salt Lake is very salty. It has rivers feeding it, but no outlet.

I always found it easiest to help people who knew they needed help. Maybe you could sponsor somebody this year in RCIA / RCIC?

I might not have the right answer. I’m fairly new and hope to go to RCIA / RCIC this year myself.

Go ahead and ask for patience. And count it all joy as James says.
Pani Rose:
God is closer to you now than he has ever been. You have grown a lot spiritually or you would not be in a desert. He only trust his good friends with deserts. Was it St. Thresa who said if you treat your friends like this, no wonder you don’t have many. Somthing to that effect anyway. Just hold on, you will be ok.

Oh one thing don’t ask for patience. Ask for perseverence, wisdom, understanding, anything but not patience. We only gain patience through trials.

Pani Rose
Pani Rose,
I LOVE what you said. It was so beautiful. You are a blessing!

And you are so right about patience. When I asked for the gift of patience, God sent me to a traffic jam and the longest line at the grocery. I have since changed to perseverence and knowledge of God’s will.
I have since changed to perseverence and knowledge of God’s will.
Ask also to love more each day. Yes, this can be tough at times, but it is well worth it.

And enjoy the oases (a short non-dry period in the midst of a mostly dry period) when they come.
Help! I am in a spiritual desert . I believe in God and His Church, go to Mass every Sunday, read good Catholic literature, read my bible, but somehow I am having a very hard time praying and an even harder time hearing the responses, if there are any to hear. I must admit that my parish has been going through some rough times and I won’t go into detail because I could write a book, and my teen-agers (twin 15 year old girls) are driving me crazy. I used to have great zeal but for the past few months I’m not even lukewarm, but cold… Anybody else been in this desert and how did you get out?
Oh, yes. I’m in it right now.

I don’t know if I’m the right person to offer suggestions, but here goes: you need some solitude. And I’m not talking about simply taking a weekend retreat… you need to establish some good, solid, quiet time for yourself, away from the twins, away from the telephone, away from the TV and the cleaning and the laundry and the thousands of other things you do everyday.

God is always communicating with us, but we’re often too busy or too distracted to hear him, so you need to get away from the distractions. Maybe a half hour outside with a mug of tea in the morning… maybe a half-hour after everyone else goes to bed… maybe an hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Just make time for yourself and free yourself up to hear God!
Thank you all for the advice. I think a lot of my problem stems from my parish problems. We have recently lost our Pastor and now have only a cononical pastor from a nearby church. We lost our music director of 15 years. I was in choir but the new guy won’t listen to suggestions from any of us and only wants to play very modern music and many from the parish have left because of this. His way or the highway. He is also the youth leader and my twins are having a hard time adjusting to him and losing the leader that they loved. I hurt for them. This man humiliated me in front of my girls and their friends and one of my girls got mad at him and swore at him (which she shouldn’t have done) but the next time she went to youth group he told her to leave. My husband and I went and talked to him, telling him that we are a Catholic Church and and he can’t just kick her out. I would think he would try to be Christian about it and welcome anyone with open arms and I told him that. I talked to the nun who is actually running things and she told me that if I wasn’t happy I should find a parish that fed me. So I kind of feel like I’ve been told to go. Others I know have been told the same thing. People who have been around for 30 plus years. I’ve been in this parish for 17 years and it’s hard to change and my kids don’t want to. I’m sorry this is so long , but thank you letting me get it off my chest.
Ask also to love more each day. Yes, this can be tough at times, but it is well worth it.

True! When I asked to love more each day, God sent my ex-husband and my ex-mother-in -law to test me. Oh- what a day that was! But that is who God sent me that day - God sure does have a sense of humor.
I think a lot of my problem stems from my parish problems. …
Offering up as a family your sufferings due to the changes in your parish.

Pray and discern as a family if you should more to a more friendly parish.
Thank you all for the advice. I think a lot of my problem stems from my parish problems. We have recently lost our Pastor and now have only a cononical pastor from a nearby church. We lost our music director of 15 years. I was in choir but the new guy won’t listen to suggestions from any of us and only wants to play very modern music and many from the parish have left because of this. His way or the highway. He is also the youth leader and my twins are having a hard time adjusting to him and losing the leader that they loved. I hurt for them. This man humiliated me in front of my girls and their friends and one of my girls got mad at him and swore at him (which she shouldn’t have done) but the next time she went to youth group he told her to leave. My husband and I went and talked to him, telling him that we are a Catholic Church and and he can’t just kick her out. I would think he would try to be Christian about it and welcome anyone with open arms and I told him that. I talked to the nun who is actually running things and she told me that if I wasn’t happy I should find a parish that fed me. So I kind of feel like I’ve been told to go. Others I know have been told the same thing. People who have been around for 30 plus years. I’ve been in this parish for 17 years and it’s hard to change and my kids don’t want to. I’m sorry this is so long , but thank you letting me get it off my chest.
What kind of parish do you go to? These people are seem to be quite rude. Don’t just sit ther and take it, stand up for God. No wonder you feel farther from God, you have just realized that just because they are with the Catholic church doesn’t mean they are good christians. Those who should be feeding your are robbing your food.
What kind of parish do you go to? These people are seem to be quite rude. Don’t just sit ther and take it, stand up for God. No wonder you feel farther from God, you have just realized that just because they are with the Catholic church doesn’t mean they are good christians. Those who should be feeding your are robbing your food.
It used to be a beautiful parish when I started there. Then 10 years ago we got a new pastor who seemed to only concentrate on the money end of things. The other night I was in the parish office and the people in charge of our annual festival fundraiser came in with boxes of raffle tickets. One man said, “This year we only have a thousand to send out where we used to have 1500. Father removed the names of people who didn’t donate enough money.” Father always seemed to be more interested in how to raise money than in feeding us spiritually. (Before the priesthood he was a banker.) I don’t have a lot of money and I feel like I have to pay to go to church.
I loved what you said, “Those who should be feeding you are robbing your food.” That’s exactly how I feel.
I haven’t sat back and taken it though. I spoke to the parish council about liturgical abuses and nobody seemed to care. And I think that’s why I was told to go elsewhere. And others who have spoken up are the others who have been told the same.
For the last two years (well up to the last two or three minutes) of St. Thresea’s life she was not sure if God existed. She is one of the most venerated saints in Catholocism. Surly we can want no more than God gave one so close to Him.
Pani Rose:
God is closer to you now than he has ever been. You have grown a lot spiritually or you would not be in a desert. He only trust his good friends with deserts. Was it St. Thresa who said if you treat your friends like this, no wonder you don’t have many. Somthing to that effect anyway. Just hold on, you will be ok.

Oh one thing don’t ask for patience. Ask for perseverence, wisdom, understanding, anything but not patience. We only gain patience through trials.

Pani Rose
Wow - this really spoke to me. I have always had a problem with my temper, and I prayed for patience a few years ago. Needless to say, life has literally been one trial after the other without relief! I’ve HAD IT! When will it end??:banghead:
  • I am crucified with Christ Gal 2:20*
The scripture says that we are to be crucified with Christ. Crucifixion is a long and very painful process. But if we persever we will win eternal glory.

May the Good Lord be with you.
Greetings Church

As Pani Rose will tell you, there will come a time when we all must pray for patience because Jesus asked us to. This is NOT the time.

I chose a time when I was in exactly the opposit place that you are in. I chose a time when I was really prayed up and in the middle of Spiritual Dynamite. We do get those times, too, Thank God. We call it “Mountaintop” experiences as opposed to “Desert” ones. I knew I must one day face this spiritual trip. I did ask the Lord to teach me in small lessons. I know my nature. Usually I dive into very deep water, full of confidence and bravado (I think that is some sort of Spiritual Pride) and I usually take a big bump and learn a lesson in humility. This time I told the Lord I wasn’t very strong when it came to learning patience and even prayed up as I was, I needed lots and lots of Grace and Help.
The thing is, He asked us to pray for it. So I did. He honored me. Oh, it hurt and it hurt badly but it wasn’t long lasting. I got it in smaller doses. When I cried out that I had had enough, he honored that, too. A few years later, I prayed for another lesson. It was the same way but since I was better at it, it was a little harder. I do need to do this again but I am sure not ready. I am recovering from lung cancer and dealing with “faith” right now. No, I do not lack faith to any great degree but with this desease, I need a bit more. This is definately another growth period for me. Funny, my pastor is lacking faith in prayer more than I am and I have had to minister to him.
What do you think of that???
Greetings Church

Funny, my pastor is lacking faith in prayer more than I am and I have had to minister to him.
What do you think of that???
I believe your pastor is a man who is in his desert right now. It is a gift to be ministering to someone else in need while you are in a trial. Sounds like you could both use some prayers sent your way!
I think we all go through what you are going through right now. I did a few weeks ago, the main thing that got me through it was Euchristic Adoration. We, too, have had a ton of problems at our parish. Thank God we have 24/7 Adoration. If your parish does not have it find one that does and spend one hour a week with our Lord. He will work miracles with and for you.
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