Spiritual Experiences

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In my life I have had the opportunity to experience unexplained phenomenom. Some people call it Paranormal. Most people don’t believe in such things as the saying goes " If I can’t touch it or see it then it doesn’t exist. I would like to share with you some of these experiences with you. I will list them for you and I would love to see the responses both of the experiences of others as well as critics.
A little back ground about myself.
I was born a Basturd child, I had a weak heart (Blue Baby syndrome) I came into the world breach. I was given up to the childrens aid at six months. At the age of three I died on the operating table while having open heart surgery. Good start to life!

At the age of seven I found christ, Yes it was and is possible. This is when all of the “paranormal” things began Actually I was nine when things happened. As a child I wanted to find my birth mother. One night, I had a dream that I was in a room with some adults 3 to be exact. The person in the middle had white hair, the person on the right had black hair and was shorter than the person in the middle. The person on the left had light brown hair but was fuzzy in my dream compared to the other two people. I’ll explain later. When I awoke the next morning I shared my dream with my foster mother and I was immediately told it wasn’t true that my mother didn’t want to have anything to do with me. Despite this information I kept that vision in my head for 25 yrs and never gave up hope that one day I would locate my mother. Remember this as I will come back to it in awhile.
At the same time our foster home was going through some sick times, we had all contracted the chicken pox. One of my foster brothers became deathly ill. I didn’t mention that I lived in a very religious home. Church three times a week with prayer meetings on Tuesdays. Well this one night my foster brother being very sick had a temperature of 108. My foster mother was praying very passionately to God for his intervention to help bring the temperature down as he was to sick to go to the hospital. I was sent to the kitchen to retrieve a wet towel. When it happened, As I turned the corner from the kitchen I witnessed what I believe was the holy spirit enter our house and although I didn’t see it actually touch my foster brother I saw the spirit decend down the furnace pipe to the floor cross towards where my foster brother and mother were and then I watched it ascend back the way it came. This incident, I will never forget as long as I live. Within minutes of seeing this my foster brothers temperature dropped to 101 degrees and the following day he returned to normal and healed from the pox within days. I revealed to my foster mother that I had actually seen the holy spirit enter our house and leave.

The third incident was when I was fifteen. I had a series of dreams. now these dreams are not something you wish on anyone let alone yourself. My first dream was about me being in an accident no specifics.
Wait… a child had a 108 fever from Chicken Pox?? How old are you? This is almost criminal negligence that he wasn’t taken to a hospital or that at minimum a doctor was not called… brain damage starts happening for a child at about 108, and there is no “too sick” for the hospital… did they not have ambulances back then?
I was very moved and fascinated by your story. And I am inclined to believe it too. It seems very common that people who have come near death (esp. those who have clinically died and brought back to life) seem to gain a special sensitivity to spiritual and supernatural phenomena. Thank you for sharing that.
Wait… a child had a 108 fever from Chicken Pox?? How old are you? This is almost criminal negligence that he wasn’t taken to a hospital or that at minimum a doctor was not called… brain damage starts happening for a child at about 108, and there is no “too sick” for the hospital… did they not have ambulances back then?
Liquidpele, before you get all out of sorts this happened back in 1968, and everything turned out well the boy in question is a doctor today of Indian affairs. I understand your concern though.
Carrying on…I had four dreams in all each dream would reveal a crucial element to the situation. The last dream (the night before the accident) revealed the time of day (1:30pm) the type of day (sunny and warm) and that I would be riding a bike, hear a horn, turn get my bike caught in a streetcar track and get hit from behind. All of which came true. The only problem with the dreams was I didn’t own a bike. The day of the accident my foster sister loaned me hers, thus completing the the dreams end. I ended up being run over by a truck crushing my left foot but didn’t break it.
Liquidpele, before you get all out of sorts this happened back in 1968, and everything turned out well the boy in question is a doctor today of Indian affairs. I understand your concern though.
Ah, I figured it must have been a while ago. Glad he is doing alright. 🙂

As for your experiences, I’ll refrain from commenting my opinion and just say that what matters is what they mean to you - if you’re better from the experience than that is wonderful.
As I reached adulthood, I guess I had the ability but didn’t realize it but I could see things. mostly for myself. But at one point I was down on my situation and was being consoled by my then girlfriend. I quipped “That I wish I could win the lottery”. She responded by saying I would. more of a yeah what ever type of quip. I responded by saying It would be along time before that would ever happen. Then, like a bell ringing she replied "you’ll win sooner than you think. I knew right then and there that I was going to win. Don’t ask me how but I knew. Four weeks later, I won $25,000.
In the back of my mind, I always knew I would locate my birth mother. In 1987 the Ontario Government allowed adoptees to get none Identifying information about there biological parents through the Childrens Aid or adoption agencies. This was the first opportunity I had to seek out my mother. I applied under the guise of my heart operation as my wife was with child and I wanted to secure that it wasn’t hereditary. The girl who was assigned to my file did a very good job of writing the profile of my life as recorded by the various counsellors. But when I got it, I was confused as it didn’t bring me any closer to locating my mother. I’ll never forget her response when I asked her for more info and she told me that I had to read between the lines. I spent nearly two years going down deadends and virtual doors being closed as to say not yet. At times I felt I was being restrained from finding her (spiritually). Then one day acting on information I had received from an outside agency I picked the phone up and started calling. First I called Saskatchewan, Then Alberta where I got my first break. My uncle and aunt were my first contact, I used the story of following the family tree and was stymied at my mother’s name and I wanted to know where she fit in the picture. What I didn’t know was that my uncle was a family tree expert in the family. As luck would have it, I never spoke with him. But my aunt gave me the number to my mother.
After a couple of calls and two hours I finally made contact with her completing my dream of finding her. Now here is the wierd part. After we talked, we decided to send each other pictures of ourselves. When I received her pictures, she wasn’t anything like I thought or thought I dreamt she would look like. Now remember that dream I had as a nine year old. The second picture she sent me was an exact duplicate of the dream I had 23 yrs earlier. in the picture there was from left to right my mother with brown hair, my uncle with white hair and my aunt with black hair. You say so what. Well when I saw that picture I was talking with my mother and I mentioned to her that the picture I was holding was the vision I had when I was nine. She responded by telling me that the picture I was holding was taken the year before we found each other. Yes that is correct I saw a picture at the age of nine that wasn’t taken for 22 years later. I can’t explain it, I just know it happened.
There are other experiences that I have had with no logicic to them other than they happen.
But this last one I will share is one that I feel is a curse and if any of you can help me to deal with it or what it means, please do share it with me. I have the ability (and I have tried to dismiss it ) to see people who are about to die. I don’t like this ability but there must be a reason why I can do this. I have witnessed over the last ten years (the first time it happened) at least a dozen or so people who I don’t know and know pass on. So, here’s my delema. Do I act on what I see? Do I approach the person in question? Do I do what I’ve been doing all along and say nothing? What do I do. I don’t want this and I’ve tried to ignore it but it comes back stronger each time I resist it. What am I supposed to do with this?
People I am not nuts, But I don’t wish this on anyone. I looked into the eyes of man 3 years ago as I was fixing his fish tank and we were all enjoying his return from abroad only to see that he was going to die very soon. And all I could do was say NO out loud. I couldn’t share what I saw to anyone nor have I to this day. He passed 4 days after I saw the signs of death on him.

When children disappear due to the malice of mankind, If I hear about it shortly after it occurs I usually know if the child is ok or in danger or even in some cases is deceased. Again, when this occurs I can’t contact the police as they might think I have a hand in the situation. What would you do? So far I remain silent for fear of ridicule and accusation.
The night is long, I look forward to your responses.
What would you do? So far I remain silent for fear of ridicule and accusation.
The night is long, I look forward to your responses.
As soon as you get the notion that someone will die you should pray that that does not happen.

I received a word of knowledge about a man who would be killed. I was given the name of this man and the name of the man who would kill him. At the earliest opportunity I prayed that he would not die.

Several years later it all happened it was a shooting and the man who was shot was not badly injured.

At the time that I prayed for him years before the attack, I also had a vision of the light of heaven, and in that light I saw his daughter say to reporters “by God they won’t get this one”.

After the incident I saw her on the television news and she said those words.

I believe that if I had not prayed he would have been killed.
There are other experiences that I have had with no logicic to them other than they happen.
But this last one I will share is one that I feel is a curse and if any of you can help me to deal with it or what it means, please do share it with me. I have the ability (and I have tried to dismiss it ) to see people who are about to die. I don’t like this ability but there must be a reason why I can do this. I have witnessed over the last ten years (the first time it happened) at least a dozen or so people who I don’t know and know pass on. So, here’s my delema. Do I act on what I see? Do I approach the person in question? Do I do what I’ve been doing all along and say nothing? What do I do. I don’t want this and I’ve tried to ignore it but it comes back stronger each time I resist it. What am I supposed to do with this?
People I am not nuts, But I don’t wish this on anyone. I looked into the eyes of man 3 years ago as I was fixing his fish tank and we were all enjoying his return from abroad only to see that he was going to die very soon. And all I could do was say NO out loud. I couldn’t share what I saw to anyone nor have I to this day. He passed 4 days after I saw the signs of death on him.

When children disappear due to the malice of mankind, If I hear about it shortly after it occurs I usually know if the child is ok or in danger or even in some cases is deceased. Again, when this occurs I can’t contact the police as they might think I have a hand in the situation. What would you do? So far I remain silent for fear of ridicule and accusation.
The night is long, I look forward to your responses.
If had abilities like this I would try to document them so as eventually to convince others that they were real, and assure myself that I was not reimagining things later on. I would date the instance of the premonition, and then record the date of the person’s death.

I think if I had been right on more than one occasion, I would feel compelled to warn a person if I had any details that could prevent the death, but remain silent if I had no helpful insight.

I have also had several wierd experiences that could be considered “paranormal”, but nothing I could say reoccurred on a regular basis, the way you are saying.
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