Spiritual warfare

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Dear Friends, I am a convert from the evangelical church, and have been a Catholic for 5 years. My husband was very negative about my conversion, so it took a long time for me to feel comfortable putting a holy water font up in our home.

Here’s the thing I’d appreciate comment/insight on: I was at a Bible study last night, and we were talking a bit about how mean and hurtful people can be, and I mentioned how some neighbors in our cul-de-sac have been really rude to my family and me lately - they’d never been friendly before - but in the last few months they’ve became downright hostile.

I realized while I was talking w/ my friends at Bible study that there was spiritual warfare going on and that I needed to pray for them - one of the neighbors who is being so rude had invited a medium to her home to read tarot cards and tell her about her future. She opened a door to evil in her home and did not realize it.

So I’m praying for her - but here’s the thing I just realized - the outright hostility started around the time I started anointing myself daily several times w/ holy water. I also annoint the kids w/ holy while they sleep (they’re being raised protestant because of my husband’s wishes - but that’s another story).

Anyway, I’ve been thinking of the power of holy water - St. Theresa of Avila says that evil runs shreiking at the sight of holy water - and in one of Paul’s epistles, he says we are the fragrance of Christ to the world - those who love God find our aroma pleasing and those who don’t love God find our aroma repugnant. . .

So, I’m just wondering if anyone else has an experience like mine - it is possible, isn’t it, that the use of holy water in my home is causing some spiritual warfare to happen around my family and me. Thanks - Kate
Dear Friends, I am a convert from the evangelical church, and have been a Catholic for 5 years. My husband was very negative about my conversion, so it took a long time for me to feel comfortable putting a holy water font up in our home.

Here’s the thing I’d appreciate comment/insight on: I was at a Bible study last night, and we were talking a bit about how mean and hurtful people can be, and I mentioned how some neighbors in our cul-de-sac have been really rude to my family and me lately - they’d never been friendly before - but in the last few months they’ve became downright hostile.

I realized while I was talking w/ my friends at Bible study that there was spiritual warfare going on and that I needed to pray for them - one of the neighbors who is being so rude had invited a medium to her home to read tarot cards and tell her about her future. She opened a door to evil in her home and did not realize it.

So I’m praying for her - but here’s the thing I just realized - the outright hostility started around the time I started anointing myself daily several times w/ holy water. I also annoint the kids w/ holy while they sleep (they’re being raised protestant because of my husband’s wishes - but that’s another story).

Anyway, I’ve been thinking of the power of holy water - St. Theresa of Avila says that evil runs shreiking at the sight of holy water - and in one of Paul’s epistles, he says we are the fragrance of Christ to the world - those who love God find our aroma pleasing and those who don’t love God find our aroma repugnant. . .

So, I’m just wondering if anyone else has an experience like mine - it is possible, isn’t it, that the use of holy water in my home is causing some spiritual warfare to happen around my family and me. Thanks - Kate
These people since their conscience bothers them everytime they see you guys they are reminded of their sins, hence that’s why they act negatively. The demonic combined with their own insecurities seems to be to blame here. Put a medal of Saint Benedict on your inner door. as well as bless things such a a cross. Have you had your home blessed officially by a priest?? If not it will only help you to do so, especially if these people decide to put a spiritual curse or other negative spiritual ill will towards you guys. You may want to read the Book “An Exorcist Tells His Strory” by Father Gabrielle Amorth. The world’s premier exorcist who works directly for the Rome Diocese.
I used to have odd beings in my old house. They were nothing series, just little dark “clouds” almost that would appear for no reason. I studied paranormal activity, so Iw as very terrified after all of the scary stories I read. We got holy water from Loudres. We sprinkled it around our house, and the things dissapeared. We moved a looong time ago, i was just small (around 7). You should hire a priest and bless your house, hurry up before it gets too late. Look up the story of the Smurls- a Roman Catholic family that moved into a house with demonic activity in it. They hesitated to bless their house and it got worse and worse up untill the point where they couldn’t even leave their house! They moved out and still the demons terrorize them- though not as bad as before. They had holy water(which stopped the demons for a few days) and exorcisms (which stopped them for months at a time). This was about 5 months after they moved in, at that time it was traumatizing (everybody in the family was raped at least 5 times; they would get thrown around). Please, set up statues of Virgin Mary and Jesus around your house. String roasries around their necks. Sprinkle holy water around the house. Then they will never come near you. Also, hire a paranormal invesigator if you think they are alreadu haunting your house so they can see how serious it would be and to communicate with the ghosts (not psychically, so it would not be sinful).
Dear Friends - Thanks for your replies. There’s nothing paranormal happening in my house, just ill-will from two neighbors. I appreciate the advice about having our home blessed by a priest. I will do that. My concern is not evil within my own home, but the attitude of the neighbors. I just find it interesting that the rudeness from the neighbors started when I started annointing my kids and myself w/ holy water (at that time I also started wearing several medals and a crucifix blessed by a priest). Kate
Spiritual Warfare. Your Faith is what is being attacked, the attacker will use any means to try to break it, even the sins of others. Bake them a pie and pray for them. I’ll pray for you.
Dear Friends - Thanks for your replies. There’s nothing paranormal happening in my house, just ill-will from two neighbors. I appreciate the advice about having our home blessed by a priest. I will do that. My concern is not evil within my own home, but the attitude of the neighbors. I just find it interesting that the rudeness from the neighbors started when I started annointing my kids and myself w/ holy water (at that time I also started wearing several medals and a crucifix blessed by a priest). Kate
Yup, sure as heck will always do it. At least this is what great saints and doctors of the church have said.
Spiritual Warfare. Your Faith is what is being attacked, the attacker will use any means to try to break it, even the sins of others. Bake them a pie and pray for them. I’ll pray for you.
I second this idea.

Plus all you have to do is believe, click your heels together, and repeat, “There’s no place like home” and know that your permanent home is being prepared even as you take each breath.

As long as your place is being prepared (for there are many rooms) then you know that all you have to do is a day’s work and then come back to the table and eat of the Bread of Life.

Use reconciliation often. Use whatever devotions you wish, but if they don’t seem right you may want to ask a priest before repeating it.

Once you have full faith that He who is in us has conquered the world, both in spirit and on earth, then you will have no fear of these spirits. Here’s the irony; if you truly don’t fear them, then you will have peace until your next test, which could be up to seven times as many spirits, more subtle than those.

Go back to basics. Bake a cake, fellowship in ways that aren’t offensive to you. Their magick has no effect on your relationship with Christ, unless you fear it will or are too proud to admit that it might. Refer to Romans 8, my favorite, includnig “Now there is no condemnation…” and "neither past nor future, nor powers, etc… shall separate us from the love of Christ.

Walk carefully but with confidence. Do not look down, or believe you are anything but a servant, and you will not sink.

I’m thinking of the haunted mansion in Disneyland. You looked in on a ballroom in which ghostly figures were dancing. You knew you were in a ride and this was all just to give you an experience. Give the demons no more credit to come near your own home.

I love the holy water idea. I’m tempted to sprinkle a little on the fence between me and the neighbors I once had problems with.

Dear Alan, Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I will take to heart your suggestion to go to reconcilliation frequently. Please pray for me. Thanks - Kate
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