I returned to the Church from a massive conversion experience. I’m married to a non-Cath who wasn’t raised in any faith. As I pray more and more rosaries etc for her change of heart (not necessarily conversion) it seems she’s becoming more unhappy and irritable around me and our 2 young 9&11 very Catholic kids. We pray daily rosaries and keep her in mind . After this experience I begged the Holy Spirit to take me and make me an instrument for helping in the conversion of sinners. Since I have been blessed to help some friends come back to the Church and other amazing things. Jst today my 11 year olds friend started asking ?'s about the faith and I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a child so enthralled about something in my life. These are next door neighbors who don’t practice any faith. I ask God to put people in my path . It’s amazing what has been happening. Anyway what do you all think about the battle going on? Am I imagining this?