Spiritual warfare

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I returned to the Church from a massive conversion experience. I’m married to a non-Cath who wasn’t raised in any faith. As I pray more and more rosaries etc for her change of heart (not necessarily conversion) it seems she’s becoming more unhappy and irritable around me and our 2 young 9&11 very Catholic kids. We pray daily rosaries and keep her in mind . After this experience I begged the Holy Spirit to take me and make me an instrument for helping in the conversion of sinners. Since I have been blessed to help some friends come back to the Church and other amazing things. Jst today my 11 year olds friend started asking ?'s about the faith and I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a child so enthralled about something in my life. These are next door neighbors who don’t practice any faith. I ask God to put people in my path . It’s amazing what has been happening. Anyway what do you all think about the battle going on? Am I imagining this?
I would say you’re not imagining. Spiritual warfare is real and you are already defending yourself well by praying the Rosary. Be persistant. Simply recognizing what is happening and not becoming angry or upset with your wife shows your love and concern for her.

Pray the St. Michael the Archangel Prayer when you feel this happening. Sometimes I pray it more than once, and it really does help and give you a sense of strength and peace. If you’re not familiar with it, here it is:

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the Divine Power, thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

I also remember reading part of St. Faustina’s diary – she underwent tremendous temptations and even became aware of when those around her were being tempted. She would often ask the Lord to send the tempters to her if she felt the person was not strong enough to undergo the battle. She said she often used the words “And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (from the Angelus) to make the devil flee because the Power of the Incarnation is so incredible! I have used them as well!
Funny you mention Faustina, I just re-read her Diary. It is true, I was telling my spiritual d. that if nothing else I would see this marriage through if only to help save the soul of my wife and to propogate the faith through my kids. I honestly pray for and want nothing of this earthly life other than to help save souls. I told my lukewarm Catholic sister(s) this and they laughed in my face. Oh well, for them too! Another prayer I say (from mothr Angelica) when in the presence of those who need spiritual help, under my breath, not audible really except to me…Jesus and Mary, I love you please help______ . Also the Angelus I pray and anoter good one, kind of a forgotten one is The Little Divine Office Of Mary.

Thanks for the encouragement. Battle on!
The closer you get to God the more you notice the spiritual warfare around you. Do not let it pressure you to giving up your spiritual growth or helping those around you. Receive the sacraments often.

You may find the Tactics of the Enemy thread helpful.

You are in my prayers.
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