Ok, as a mom, now I totally understand why your brain went there. During those baby/toddler years it felt like I was always surrounded by poop and little boy pee-pees.
Life revolved around poop!
About the spiritual overflow…it’s supposed to overflow. God fills us up to the brim and then more, and then the overflow washes out from us to bathe the people around us.
Which is why it’s so hard to love other people when we are spiritually dry. We’re supposed to love others out of our abundance, but it’s so much harder when we haven’t been “topped off” ourselves by the Spirit first.
It’s like when people say to put on your own air mask first in am emergency, and then take care of those around you.
Now as a mom, I can say that it’s so hard to do this. Usually it’s just about dragging through the days and keeping little people alive, and the Holy Spirit can seem very far away. It’s so much harder when you’re not taking care of yourself. I was never very good at taking that time for myself, though.
So, no, spiritual abundance and grace is never a waste. Love and peace and joy should be spilling out of us all over, and at least those don’t make a mess for us to clean up!
Now if the things coming out of our mouths or our actions are “poop-like”…that’s obviously not from God and a sign that we need to go “gas up” from the fountain of life.