Spirituality IndividualityThe Self & God

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I am trying to understand my relationship with God. As one moves closer to God how is it that one maintains a self (when we become one with Him)? When we are all aligned to do God’s will how would you move forward confidently without the foreknowledge that you are doing His will? Lastly, God has consistently punished those that were arrogant and failed to acknowledge Him…where does God end and where do we begin?
Very deep questions. I believe that we must surrender our individuality on some level to move into the Kingdom of God. We cannot continue to hold on to our egotistic ways and all it’s trappings, and be in union with Christ. Since this is so rare to attain in this life, we must undergo some sort of final purgation before we enter Heaven.

In Heaven we will actually become physically part of the mystical Body of Christ, which is a mystery and totally beyond the limitations of this imperfect realm. How can we understand this with our limited minds? We can only have fleeting moments in this life, if we’re lucky, to maybe catch an imperfect glimpse into this unfathomnable reality.

Will we even have thoughts as we know them here? I doubt it.
Thank you for your answer White Dove. Does someone have suggested readings? More guidance that strikes at the heart of my dilemma?
Dear friend

This is a wonderful question. One I have thought about myself. I looked at the great Saints and although they did the will of God they still maintained their unique personalities. God, I don’t personally believe when he asks us to do His will and move closer and closer in union with Him, desired that we are to become some sort of mindless robot without thought for ourselves. Our thoughts should become creative in how to do good, our thoughts of contemplation are all individual but under the guidance of interpretation of the Church.

I feel God created each person different and unique, so that no two people pray to Him, love Him the same, we all have something to give to each other that is different from another person. In this light we enrich each others life in a way that no other person can do and we love and serve God in a way no other person can do.

I believe the Holy Spirit guides us in knowledge of how to serve God our Father. There is also the conscience, this prompts us also, but the powerful force within us that first even draws us to pray is the Holy Spirit guiding us towards God constantly and towards His will for us, our life and how we are to use our life to serve Him. They say the closer we are to God in this life the harder the path becomes, because the Holy Spirit fills us and indwells us to such a depth, that we are prompted even on the smallest things, our conscience enlightened to such a capacity that we realise even our thoughts or some simple words we may say are to the glory of God or offend God. (This is not an attack of the scruples, this is a deepening of the conscience by the Holy Spirit to fine tune our behaviour and life to meet with God’s ultimate desire for us). Afterall the fact of freewill remains and we can at any point turn from what we are ENLIGHTENED to by the Holy Spirit and offend God. This is why we are not mindless in this respect, it is a matter of surreneder and when we do surrender we find that peace is found even in the midst of diffuclty and hard decisions, because God ALWAYS desires what is best for us and good for us.

As for where does God end and we begin,. that is up to us, that is up to how much we wish to be in union with God, how much we wish to live with Him indwelling us. By our free will we can invite Him into our lives and fill it or we can keep Him out of some or all parts of our lives. Even when He is in all parts of ourt lives and indwells us by the Holy Spirit, we can still turn from Him. God does not force Himself upon us, He waits to be invited by love of Him into our lives.

God created us to be in union with Him, it is alien infact to not be in union with Him, I would go as far as to say, it is against natural laws not to be in union with Him. When we are in union with Him, there is a peace deep and glowing within us, that no person can touch, that peace is a source of joy and is born out of love. Many people search to fill a void within themsleves in many places, they cannot find the peace they so desire, they look in all the wrong quarters for it, sex, relationships, drugs, workd, over working, success, riches…all looking for peace, they never find it, the peace that they are looking for that they know their life lacks, can only be found in union with God.

I don’t even feel God punishes. I have often said to people, why do you want to live in Heaven when you do not believe in God who dwells there? There seems to be an irony in their desires!!! God doesn’t cast people into hell either, in short, I feel people put themselves in Heaven and in hell, by their life, their beliefs and the light or darkness in their hearts.


God Bless you and much love and peace to you


I personally feel it is not strange or unusual to struggle with submission to God, it is a difficult thing to do, because we are in faith concerned with the ‘unseen’, but dear friend, the unseen IS seen, it is seen in every new and beautfiul day, it is seen in nature , landscapes, a beautiful new baby, a healing of a sick person, the kindness of a friend or someone you never expected kindness from… this is ALL God’s work. When we do submit our will to God’s it is an act of love and trust and when we do do this, we are FREE, whatever happens in life after this cannot touch the spirit of you, because you are free in the Lord Jesus Christ and God and the Holy Spirit comes and makes a home in you and you are in an eternal friendship with the Most High God forever and ever! When you die your spirit remains your spirit, it doesn’t fizzle out or melt into someone else’s spirit, we know this because of visitations from spirits who have gone to their eternal rest and those who have come back in Sacred Scripture (for example…transfiguration on the mount where Elijah was seen with Christ) , but through our Lord Jesus who is the door and the narrow gate we are in Him, risen by His body and in Him we are saved by His death and ressurection, He indwells us to give us life in the Eucharist, this is the mystical body of Christ.

God not only made us responsible for our own salvation, He also gave us the gift of being salvific ourselves, He allows us to bring the Word of God to each other, we are responsible therefore for the saving of each other, that we have it within our power once God has given the graces to believe in Him to every person, to bring the fullness of God by our lives, words and actions to bring others to Him. God trusts us with His Son in the Eucharist, He trusts us with the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth and this is not because we are worthy, none are, but because He so loves us.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Thank you for your answer White Dove. Does someone have suggested readings? More guidance that strikes at the heart of my dilemma?
This might be helpful to you. It was to me. Pere Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.'s* The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life. *

It speaks of spiritual growth in stages, conversion, followed by deeper conversions. Such as the changes accomplished in the Apostles of Jesus as they first recognized Jesus, and began to follow Him, then built their lives around Him being conformed to Him and assimilating His teaching, and then experienceing their own weakness and even defeat culminating in a transformation, such as wrought by the glance of Jesus after Peter had denied Him. Peter converts now at a deeper level not of ego but the death of that ego that seeks itself for itself.

My synopsis is poor but the book won’t let you down. It incorporates the purgative effects of life situations when we allow God to form us, conform us and finally transform us. As God increases and we decrease, we become more ourselves for we let go of our idols (which are empty and deceptive leading us nowhere) and live in Truth for Truth, hallowed by the very Spirit of God.
I red each response slowly, savoring the words and the comfortable good place they created… I wish to let each one of the previous posters know how their words touched me and gave me the impression I wondered into a fragrant flower garden. God bless you!
This question about the self brought this quote immediately to my mind as it is in the New American Translation

“If a man wishes to come after Me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and begin to follow in My Footsteps. Whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. What profit would a man show if he were to gain the whole world and destroy himself in the process? What can a man offer in exchange for his very self?” Matthew 16: 24-26
Very deep question.

As many of the previous answers have stated, it is necessary as we grow closer to God to surrender our “Me-First” attitude for one of true love, where we put the loved ones interests above our own.

As I have grown closer to God, my skills, talents, and knowledge have been honed towards God. My wisdom and understanding come closer to the infinite wisdom and understanding of God. You have to let God transform you (this is an act of your will, choosing God’s will and is made very frequently).

I am still an individual and will remain, unique in who I am, but more and more fulfilled (reaching my potential) in God. When totally perfected, I will be only a small part of God’s total perfection, sharing aspects of this perfection with other perfected individuals, but as a whole unique.

When we are totally perfected, we will exist totally in God and united to God, but fully unique in our identity and existence.
I think sometimes it is easy to get bogged down in the question “What is God’s will for me?” I used to get troubled by that question too. My own personal belief is that, I just do what God has put in front of me to do, and do it to the best of my ability. I try to serve God by serving others whenever the opportunity arises, and I try to follow the commandments that God has given us. If there is something else God wants me to do, He will show it to me through my circumstances.

I’m in the US, and I personally believe that people here are too hung up on being an individual, and being independent. I’m not saying that you are this way, just that I have a beef of my own about the excess belief in one’s individuality in this country. (I was not raised in the USA) People take this so far, that everyone becomes an isolated island. God wants us to be in community, interdependent on others, and mostly dependent upon Him. It’s all about loving and serving God, and others.
I appreciate the posts and the thoughtful replies. I am struggling with the connection between the individual talents (God given) and the individual will. A lot of well meaning people make horrendeous mistakes in the name of God. As God gives each of us talents can we acknowledge our will to use our talents as we see fit and then say hey I did that? Could you ever say for sure that I am going to do anything? From moment to moment, we don’t know but we would like to direct our lives as we see fit.

Could we ever say that we did anything or do we have to continue to beat overselves over the head and say I had nothing to do with it it was all God’s will, God’s talent given to me, or I just do what I am told? How would we ever know that we sinned other than God cannot be responsible for what he detests…
Dear RS1,

To your question about where to turn to pursue a deeper relationship with God and investigate the idea of “self” you might see if Contemplative Outreach (contemplativeoutreach.com/) has meetings in your area. In Wichita they have weekly meetings where we listen to segment of videotapes on the spiritual journey which is, in essence, the dismantling of the “false self” by the Holy Spirit, so that your “true self,” that which was made in the image of God, emerges. The false self is the emotionally-led infrastructure we acquire as a result of original sin and an upbringing in our society. If not, you might see if there are at least activities which involve deeper forms of prayer than vocal; in case you’re not familiar with them, they are meditative and contemplative. Technically contemplative prayer is a gift from God and not a method, per se, but there are prayer methods designed to invite such communication such as Lectio Divina and centering prayer. You can read about the prayer forms in the Catechism 2697-2724, also at usccb.org/catechism/text/pt4sect1chpt3.htm

Dear friend

You have the free will to hurt someone or be kind to them, you have it in your power to love God or turn from Him. The fact that God is eternal and infinite, means He knows what you will do, however you do not and you are not living in a mindless existance. God did not preordain you to be against or for Him, He made all human creatures to love Him, but because of His infinite nature, He knows those who will and those who won’t, still He creates them out of love for them and gives them free will to come to Him and make a home of love with Him and He then comes to you and makes a home in you, you become a living tabernacle of the Holy Spirit and of Jesus in receipt of the Eucharist.

If you are struggling with trusting God in His laws and what He has given to you to use for love of Him, then pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten you in this, believe me, the Holy Spirit will show you, it is up to you then to follow the gudiance of the Holy Spirit.

Maybe you are not clear what your talents and skills are, try looking into what interests you, this is a good place to start, if you are not interested you will not master it.

As for you joining your will with God, it seems to me you fear that it will steal your identity, on the contrary it will fulfill your indentity, make it grow in the greatness of our Eternal Father and the love of Christ Jesus. Unfortunately in this culture of the self we are spurred on to satisfy the self, when all this ever leaves us with is purely the self and nothing else which is never fulfilling, when we start to live for God and for each other, what we then have is an increase of the self in Christ and a wider family of Christ with us. We are no longer the singular, the self-centred self, but we see ourself in others, because ourself is in Christ, in this way we become one body in Christ, whilst remaining our own personality but the self that destroys the self eventually is lost and the self that is in Christ grows and flourishes into eternal life. The greatest mistake humanity has made is to think that they can sustain themselves without the will of God, it is every breathe we take that God Himself sustains us in, it is sheer madness not to believe and not what is often claimed that it is some sort of madness to believe in God, those who do not live in faith are the living dead, those who live in faith are living for God and in God and as such have life abundantly and eternally. Those who frequently laugh at faith and submission and obedience to God think themselves to be free of rules , but they are free to ruin and loss of life, life here is just a blink of an eye, life is eternal and life on this earth is passing and fleeting. Therefore it is sheer blindness to ignore the eternal for favour of indulgence of the self, when the self is only truly known in God and in by and through His son Christ Jesus.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


This is a great thread. It should help us get closer to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is going to take ALL, the Trinity.

I think, the New Testament shows us how to bring everything together. That includes, “The Self & God”.

When we come to know Jesus and His relationship to us and to the Father, we come to understand our own Salvation.

Jesus, throughout the Gospels shows us what it is to be a Child of God. He show us that if God is His Father and our Father, He is our Brother and His mother is our Mother. We, because of Him,have become sons and daughters of the FATHER. He tells us when we pray, we should address God as “Abbah,
which means, PAPA, or Daddy”!

That means a lot to me. That gives me the right to climb up into my Daddy’s lap, hug Him and say, “Daddy, I love you so much and need you to love me”. It means I can hug Him and ask for a hug or kiss. It also means he can correct me and chastise me.

This is, indeed, a very personal love and relationship with my Father. It means Jesus is my Brother and best Friend. It means that that LOVE (the Holy Spirit) that passes back and forth between the Father and the Son, overflows onto me. It means that Jesus’s mother is also my mother.

This is PERSONAL! It is real.

This is the same, YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. It cannot change.

Going back to my earlier question about where does God end and where do we begin…I realize that I am asking the wrong question. The problem with the question is that the relationship is dynamic and therefore ever changing between God and ourselves so you cannot have a fixed static point of responsibility. It is like when trying to come up with a definition of God inevitably one is limited by the definitions of the words that you use.
Going back to my earlier question about where does God end and where do we begin…I realize that I am asking the wrong question. The problem with the question is that the relationship is dynamic and therefore ever changing between God and ourselves so you cannot have a fixed static point of responsibility. It is like when trying to come up with a definition of God inevitably one is limited by the definitions of the words that you use.
Dear RS1,

God is without end, and is within us. We are made in His image, and the indwelling Spirit is within us, all the time speaking with groanings difficult to perceive in a busy life. Many Catholics are unaware or underinformed on the fact that we are part human and part divine. It is our divine self, or true self, that was made in the image of God and seeks to be in union with Him while our false self seeks to be in union with the world.

As far as responsibility, if you actively seek to be transformed in heart and mind, the issue of responsibility becomes less important. Your flesh will take less precedence and your spirit more as it gets stronger, so you will automatically be moved to do better things. When you spoke of “responsibility” in an earlier post, it sounded like you might be talking about the constant sin-awareness that our cultural shaping has brought; not that we should be unaware of sin, but IMO it could cause an undue focus on avoiding what’s wrong, almost like the superstitious “step on a crack break your mother’s back” where we are so busy looking down at where we are walking we don’t even see where we’re going. Seek Him with an open heart and open mind, and these things will go away.

As far as the “self” and identity, there can be no notion of “self” without a contrasting notion of “other.” When babies are born, (and you must be like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven) they are believed by some to have an “oceanic” feeling where they do not truly distinguish what is a part of them and what is a part of their environment. Further, if one tries to definitively describe where the “self” leaves off and “other” begins, one finds the argument to be relative, and a matter of rhetorical convenience. You cannot be described without your environment, and probably can’t absolutely answer the question of “how many ‘things’ are you?” Are you many things and even many species, as a physicist of biologist might view you, or are you one of a group, as a sociologist might view you? Is the air inside your lungs part of you or part of your environment? Do you breathe or are you “breathed?” The answers are relative and depend on the reason for asking.

Therefore the whole notion of “self,” implying an “other,” came to be formed in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve separated themselves from all that is good. We are separated from that which is “not self” including that which we call “God” and that which we call “each other.” That is why we must die to our very selves in order to inherit the kingdom of God. That way we will be united and can “re-member” the dismembered Body of Christ as we do in spirit in the Eucharist.

Incidentally, I once heard a secular (used to be Anglican priest, then Buddhist guru, then neither) philosopher talk about the “real person.” The word “person” comes from “persona” or “per-sona” meaning with sound. The persona of actors in a play referred to the mask they put on, through which the sound carried. Therefore the “real person” is an oxymoron because the persona is based on the outside appearance.

Dear friend

Fantastic post Alan and I totally agree with you. You have drawn your answer from many sources but none of them contradict what St Paul and Jesus have said. In order to know God we stop persuing the ‘self’ because the ‘self’ is something that has arisen out of original sin and perpetuates in sin thereafter. Therefore we ‘die’ and ‘live’ again in Christ (at baptism), because apart from Mary who was without original sin, Christ bridged the gap between man and God that original sin bought us. In the God /Man, Jesus, is the new covenant that rebuilds our relationship with God and therefore the ‘old’ life prior is a life without full union with God and in the ‘new’ life that is in Our Lord Jesus is a life of full union with God. The persuit of the ‘self’ is against the natural laws of our existance in this respect, we were created creatures to be in union with God. To exist to know, love and serve Him and this in itself is the fulfillment and happiness of all human creatures. God desires our happiness and true happiness cannot be achieved without God.

We are from God, made by Him, we do not start or end without Him, there is no seperation even when we seperate ourselves from Him by sin or the will to reject Him because we ALL return to Him at the end of our lives and during and after life God is ever present in us and all around and about us. If we were to draw lines as to where God ends and we begin , we could not, that line would never start and never end, we are spirits, created beings, that are drawn from the breathe of God, He is in us and we are in Him and the two are inseperable. The centrality and perameters of our life was, is and remains God whether we seek Him or reject Him, know of Him or do not know of Him.

God did not want mindless sons and daughters who had no choice in their love of Him. Love is not love unless we choose to love and this is why in His infinite wisdom, God gave us free will. This way He gathers to Himself from every age a people , a family, who will love Him as sons and daughters in union with Him on every level, spiritually, mentally, bodily. The stumbling block for most people is that God is infinite and has infinite knowledge, why then create those whom He knows will not love Him? All I can say is better they were created than never have been created. God in His infinite wisdom only knows why and He loves them equally and just the same as those who love Him.( there is rejoicing in heaven over one who repents and returns to God).This then is why we should love all people as God indwells them all in His Holy Spirit. At baptism the Holy Spirit fills us in a new and deeper way, then at confirmation again the Holy Spirit deepens His presence in us. The Holy Spirit never leaves us, within about and all around us all of our lives, when we sin, we offend and to some extent lessen the power of the Holy Spirit within us, when we repent, the Holy Spirit rejoices and flourishes in us.

In being human we are ‘humanity’ inseperable from humanity and in being spirit we are of God, being inseperable from God. There is no division, no lines, no beginning and ending.

When we die we are to make a share in Divinity for all eternity by the mercy of God our Father.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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