So, He didn’t have to, but, He did. And, the creation of mankind was what . . . whim? Why would He put Himself through this with us?You asked “If God is Love, is it possible that manking must exist?”
My answer to that is an absolute NO.
In God (the divine nature) are 3 distinct persons in a UNION of LOVE (ie - Community). God could have continued in BEING for all eternity without ever having created ANYTHING … God is completely happy and does not need ANYTHING as if anything were lacking.
But you are on the right track - it was absolutely because God is Love that God created the Universe. But I would not go so far as to say that God’s LOVE necessitated God to create the Universe. God did not need to create us and it was His will (that is completely free) that chose to do so. God did not “have to”.
That was my experience of Grace.
Knowing that many of His children would win and many would fail, and, therefore, be damned, yet creating this existence anyway, this expresses love unconditionally? Does it not, at the very least, appear to you that “love” might just have its own flaws? But, how can that be - if God IS Love and it is herewith expressed, then, it cannot be flawed?