Seeing your spouse nude–always appropriate?, always inappropriate?, or depends? (why and on what?)
Yep.I cant imagine a scenario where seeing your spouse nude was inappropriate. It is absolutely appropriate at certain times and its certainly acceptable for all other times.
Well seeing one’s spouse nude at Mass or in the mall would be a tad inappropriate, so I chose ‘it depends’.I cant imagine a scenario where seeing your spouse nude was inappropriate. It is absolutely appropriate at certain times and its certainly acceptable for all other times.
But it isn’t the seeing of your nude spouse that’s inappropriate, it’s that your spouse is nude at the mall.Well seeing one’s spouse nude at Mass or in the mall would be a tad inappropriate, so I chose ‘it depends’.
But there is nothing at all inappropriate about seeing one’s spouse nude at any private time and place.
The passions that such a viewing “stirs” up aren’t lustful. They are there by God’s design to ensure that the marriage is a fruitful and holy one.I can see how in some circumstances, the viewing of one’s nude spouse could be sinful. For example, one’s viewing could stir up lustful passions when one is not about to engage in sex. If such is the case, then its, at the very least, a temptation. This is because one might be tempted to “relieve onself” so to speak. Also, if it makes the other feel uncomfortable, it could be sinful, since it signifies a lack of respect for the other’s modesty. Lust needs to be controlled within marriage as well as outside of marriage.
Ditto.Well seeing one’s spouse nude at Mass or in the mall would be a tad inappropriate, so I chose ‘it depends’.
But there is nothing at all inappropriate about seeing one’s spouse nude at any private time and place.
Well, that’s debateable. In general, the Church fathers saw spontaneous passions as a result of the Fall. That is why Adam and Eve became ashamed after they saw each other naked. Prior to the Fall, there would have been no spontaneous lust, but only rational desire.The passions that such a viewing “stirs” up aren’t lustful. They are there by God’s design to ensure that the marriage is a fruitful and holy one.
My goodness…I surely agree.I am amazed the question is even being asked…