I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t take loved ones ashes and spread them at sea but that exactly what one family member is doing with another and I have no say in the matter.
I offered to pay for and researched a Catholic burial but appear to be rejected. At the time there was a discussion of sending some of the ashes to be incorporated into figures of the deceased favorite R&R band… I hoped that was not followed through with but the person in charged said they needed more time to decide what to do and I did not press the matter.
I got a text stating they have chartered a boat to “celebrate his life” and I’m invited. I asked “why a boat” and have not heard back…
I assume it’s to spread ashes as that was discussed previously. Person in question passed 2 years ago…
Is this something I should be involved with? The figurines really disturb me…
I don’t want to shun the family is its an innocent celebration but if it becomes a new age free for all with memento figurines with deceased ashes as parting gifts I’d just as soon and should pass…
PS. I’ve been traveling and could not find a Priest to speak with.
Thank you!
I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t take loved ones ashes and spread them at sea but that exactly what one family member is doing with another and I have no say in the matter.
I offered to pay for and researched a Catholic burial but appear to be rejected. At the time there was a discussion of sending some of the ashes to be incorporated into figures of the deceased favorite R&R band… I hoped that was not followed through with but the person in charged said they needed more time to decide what to do and I did not press the matter.
I got a text stating they have chartered a boat to “celebrate his life” and I’m invited. I asked “why a boat” and have not heard back…
I assume it’s to spread ashes as that was discussed previously. Person in question passed 2 years ago…
Is this something I should be involved with? The figurines really disturb me…
I don’t want to shun the family is its an innocent celebration but if it becomes a new age free for all with memento figurines with deceased ashes as parting gifts I’d just as soon and should pass…
PS. I’ve been traveling and could not find a Priest to speak with.
Thank you!