Spreading Jesus' Teachings with Apostolic Zeal

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I wrote this article commentating on Pope Francis’ call for greater apostolic zeal. There is always something more we can do to bring more people into Jesus’ flock. Consider this the next time you pray:
When I meditate on the Third Luminous Mystery of the holy rosary — Jesus’ Proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Call to Conversion, I often ponder my own personal conversion. I think about ways I can live as a better Catholic and more faithfully follow Jesus’ teachings. But Pope Francis’ homily on living with “apostolic zeal” provides another way to view this mystery. In addition to your personal conversion, how about focusing on converting others? How can you help bring others closer to God’s loving grace? For those “backseat” Christians, maybe you can give them that little “push” whether it be inviting them to Mass (and not letting them hide in the back of the church), saying grace with them before meals, and just working in a little Catholic catechesis in conversations.
Read the full article here: rosarymeds.com/pope-asks-catholics-to-be-annoying
I’m so very much loving the path and direction Pope Francis is taking. He is very much one that’s doing what must be done…yet some how I have the feeling, he’s getting a little extra help from you know who, who stood in his spot before him. 🙂 Both of them working together, we have clear and new insight, “stronger” insight and direction in the process.

We share our faith, some times in word, some times in action, some times it’s not a mention of God at all, but lending a helping hand to people that know we are of the faith. Our actions speak louder then words, but our actions should be backed up with them!

Zeal is gained by living what is taught, not just conveying it over, but really understanding and practicing our faith, if we don’t we become a parrot and it’s very transparent for anybody with common sense to discern.
My efforts revolve around a website that I have built for this purpose of bringing more people into “the flock”.
Please visit us and pray for the success of my website as my ministry.
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