Last month we visited with our oldest son and his family in Alberta. The neighborhood they live in is quiet and attractive, but ever since they moved in there nine years ago they have been plagued with squirrels in the garden. We all loved feeding the wild squirrels at my sister’s cabin when the kids were young so he didn’t want to do anything harmful to them. It was more a matter of frequent complaints over the latest damage done to their yard and plants.
When we were there this last time he told us that the squirrels had seemingly been gradually disappearing. He mentioned this to his next door neighbor, an elderly and kind-hearted retired gent named Bob. Bob smiled and admitted that he had built a humane trap for the varmints. “What do you do with them after trapping?” our son asked. Bob said; “After dark I drive them out to that snooty, rich part of town and release them in the back alleys”.
When we were there this last time he told us that the squirrels had seemingly been gradually disappearing. He mentioned this to his next door neighbor, an elderly and kind-hearted retired gent named Bob. Bob smiled and admitted that he had built a humane trap for the varmints. “What do you do with them after trapping?” our son asked. Bob said; “After dark I drive them out to that snooty, rich part of town and release them in the back alleys”.