Why do Presbyterians claim St Augustine as a Presbyterian? Didn’t he write on the Eucharist, Mary and the authority of the Catholic Church???
He sure did, not only those but also wrote on purgatory, necessity of baptism, and the primacy of Rome. He was a bishop. A bishop in the Catholic Church!!! They claim he is theirs becasue of some of his writings on predestination. But if you take his writings as a whole you can clearly see that Augustine is ours.Why do Presbyterians claim St Augustine as a Presbyterian? Didn’t he write on the Eucharist, Mary and the authority of the Catholic Church???
Since the Presbyterian Church was founded in the late 1500s, about 1,000 years after augutsine died, to claim he was a member of their church is nonsense. Likewise Since Augustine was about as far divorced from the Saved by Faith alone doctrine expoused by the Presbyterians it would seem their only reason for claiming him as a member is to try and make up for their coming 1,5000 years late to the table.Why do Presbyterians claim St Augustine as a Presbyterian? Didn’t he write on the Eucharist, Mary and the authority of the Catholic Church???
Because it makes them feel better and because they arbitrarily have defined what a member of the Presbyterian Church is based on their interpretation of his theology. Everybody wants a piece of St Augustine, but the reality is that he was Catholic with a capital C.Why do Presbyterians claim St Augustine as a Presbyterian? Didn’t he write on the Eucharist, Mary and the authority of the Catholic Church???
Because Augustine’s views on Predestination were far closer (though still significantly different) to Presbyterians than to most modern Catholics who tend to choose Molinism over Augustinianism or Thomism on this issue.Why do Presbyterians claim St Augustine as a Presbyterian? Didn’t he write on the Eucharist, Mary and the authority of the Catholic Church???
In what context? Predestination, Eucharist, the Pope, Mary. . .??? The Catholic Answers Church Fathers sections often uses Augustine for apologetic purposes, so you may want to check them out.Can anyone point me to some 'pro Catholic ’ Augustinian zingers?
That’s assuming that Augustine actually had the Calvinistic understanding of such things. I posted a topic on this a little while back and no one answered. I wish someone who knew what they were talking about would come and set us straight.I have a very dear Presbyterian friend who asked me how Catholics explain the Calvanist teachings of Augustine? I simply stated that while Augustine had many very good things to say, he wasn’t perfect. Neither was Aquinas, or Jerome, or any number of early Church fathers. As good as they were, the Chruch wasn’t formed based on their opinion…whereas the Presbyterian faith seems to be grounded nearly entirely on the opinions of Calvin and Knox. I then asked him to show me in the Bible the justification for sola scriptura. He said he would get back to me. I’m still waiting.
I don’t know. It’s like saying Terrell Owens invented football.Why do Presbyterians claim St Augustine as a Presbyterian? Didn’t he write on the Eucharist, Mary and the authority of the Catholic Church???
Well, any and all of them, I guess. I have loads of Cath Answer tracts. I’ll pour over them and see what I can find. I don’t know exactly what part of Augustine they claim. Haven’t actually been told or read the Presbyterian view. The woman I know just keeps mentioning Augustine as a Presbyterian! So I thought I’d better find out more, so the next time she says this, I’ll be more prepared to ask her the right questions.In what context? Predestination, Eucharist, the Pope, Mary. . .??? The Catholic Answers Church Fathers sections often uses Augustine for apologetic purposes, so you may want to check them out.
For any other Augustinian zingers. . .New Advent has his works and The Faith of the Early Fathers Volume 3 by Jurgens is a wonderful source for pro-Catholic Augustine quotations.
Were you looking for something specific?
Oh! I like this as a start!I have a very dear Presbyterian friend who asked me how Catholics explain the Calvanist teachings of Augustine? I simply stated that while Augustine had many very good things to say, he wasn’t perfect. Neither was Aquinas, or Jerome, or any number of early Church fathers. As good as they were, the Chruch wasn’t formed based on their opinion…whereas the Presbyterian faith seems to be grounded nearly entirely on the opinions of Calvin and Knox. I then asked him to show me in the Bible the justification for sola scriptura. He said he would get back to me. I’m still waiting.
I think Phil hit on an important point, that on some issues like predestination, the subject can get so foggy that Catholics and Presbyterians do agree at some level. BUT……And just for the record, the only forbidden elements of Catholic predestination are:
All the rest is “disputable”…
- That God causes evil
- That God predestines some to hell
- Man lacks free will