St. Elizabeth -- Mother of John the Baptist

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I went to Church today and thought I’d hear a homily on Saint Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist, Mary’s cousin and one of the first to know that Mary was “in a family way”). No luck. Not even a mention in the November 5th readings in the Magnificat (November 2004 Vol 6 No 9).

I figure that Mary, Mother of our Lord, knew it was Saint Elizabeth’s feastday today (November 5).

Maybe there will be mention tonight (First Friday).

Luke 1:41-45 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For at the moment the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.
Sigh! My husband had the same kind of experience with the Mass he attended on Friday. There he was in a Dominican church, the Order of Preachers – and there wasn’t even a homily.

This summer, I was given the task to make figurines of Elizabeth and Mary during those incredible moments. I am not an artist, but I make polymer clay figurines for my son’s school. It is a Montessori school and the catechism allows some activity for the kids to be more involved with the stories or parts of the Mass.

I made Elizabeth putting her hands on her pregnant belly, but I also had her arched back, head up and huge smile on her face. I had some gray hair showing from under her veil, too.

For the Blessed Virgin, I reflected on the Magnificat for a few days and decided to have Our Lady, with hands clasped on her breast, she was looking down with her head tilted just a bit. I wanted to show her humility and promise-- I hope the posture works for the kids.
Then I make four of each.
November 6: I watched the EWTN Global Showcase “Footprints of God: Mary Mother of God” at 8 PM. It explained so much more about Mary. And how Mary spent three months (perhaps her whole first trimester) with St. Elizabeth.

The Lord knows how important it is for a mother to feel comfortable during the early stages of pregnancy. Jesus, Mary and Joseph must love St. Elizabeth so much for providing a peaceful setting for Mary during those days. And the knowledge of an older mother can be very helpful to a young mother.
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