St. Joseph to bury or not

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I have posted a couple of times about our selling our home, we are selling because we are disabled and our area is becoming crime infested and we feel it is time to go.

Our town is really depressed and has had major job losses. We have a flooded housing market. We prayed so long for Gods guidance and really think this is the right move.

My ? is should I bury the statue, we got one on July 8th and have faithfully prayed the prayer each night and asked Gods help as well as St Josephs help. we had a showing yesterday but no buyer. Can anyone tell me what is the reason for burying him? Our home has been on the market almost 5 months now.

I just want to make sure I am doing this the right way. Please pray for us and ask God and St. Joseph to help us.

I have even been praying to St. Jude .
God bless all!
I don’t know why the custom of burying the statue started. I have heard people say that if you want your house to sell really quickly you bury it upside down. I guess St Joseph intercedes mor quickly because he is getting a headache from being upside down. 😉 It always struck me as being a little bit superstitious. Why not place St. Jospeh in a prominent place like your front window or mantel and say the prayer for the sale of your home. As someone who at one point was carrying two mortgages because one of the buyers for our house pulled a scam (had a realtor that did not have a license and used the assumed purchase of a home to get money out of the credit union for a loan that she was denied for previously for a vacation) I can feel for your plight. If I could suggest something, consider adding prayers to the Blessed Mother to those to St. Jospeh - afterall she was his wife and sometimes a husband needs a little prodding to help. The Blessed Mother helped our house finally sell at our asking price at a time when house prices were depressed.
In all sincerity, and with great respect for St. Joseph, I believe this is just a silly superstition. Why not simply pray the Rosary or another good prayer asking for the Intercession of the Saints.

Isn’t burying a statute in the yard the sort of practice that fundamentalists point to when they say that Catholicism is just thinly veiled paganism? Why propagate that stereotype? Put your faith in God and his Saints, not in some plastic St. Joseph statue.

Just my two cents… :twocents:

Peace be with you,
I thank you so much and I will pray to the blessed Mother too. We have the statue in a prominate place in our home but I was just wanting (name removed by moderator)ut as to why to bury him. Your answer was cute.

I hope others will come forward and tell me if they had a statue they did not bury and if they sold their home or if they sold after they buryed the statue.
I am sorry you had problems .
God bless all
I thank you so much and I will pray to the blessed Mother too. We have the statue in a prominate place in our home but I was just wanting (name removed by moderator)ut as to why to bury him. Your answer was cute.

I hope others will come forward and tell me if they had a statue they did not bury and if they sold their home or if they sold after they buryed the statue.
I am sorry you had problems .
God bless all
I don’t think burying sacred art in your yard is much of a custom. If someone suggested you bury an American flag, you’d probably be aghast.

As for putting statues in a prominent place while the home is being shown, most realtors will suggest that you put away as much of makes your home personal as you can when you try to sell it… including family pictures and religious art. You want the buyer to have the easiest time possible picturing the house as* their* home, not as yours. Enhance their ability to picture their own Madonna on the mantel… put yours away.

Good luck on selling the house!
Asking St. Joseph to help in selling your home is fine. Using a statue to help remind you to ask for St. Joseph’s help is fine.

Burying it does not seem to make sense to me. It does not help you remember to ask for his intercession, nor does it honor the saint.

I would display it prominantly where you can see it often and offer up your pleas for intercession and then take it with to your new home where you can continue to ask St. Joseph to intercede for your family.
I was told in RICA class that this was a silly superstition and not an official custom or teaching of the Catholic Church.

dream wanderer
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