**Ok this is proably a stupid question…But have y’all visited the college yet? If you did what was the feeling you got while you were there? My husbands best friend went there (we live an hour outside of philadelphia)I’ll try and call him tonite and get his opinion on it…
But if its a full scholarship i’d almost suggest to take it…Free money for school is hard to come by!**
No, we haven’t visited yet, but we are planning to. I just wanted to get “the inside scoop” so that when we visit I know what to look out for.
Does the school have a liberal or conservative reputation?
Do they have a good academic reputation?
Are they strong in the liberal arts?
Do they have a core curriculum?
Are men and women on the same floor in the dorms?
Do they often honor politicians and others who are at odds with the Catholic faith?
Lots of other questions, too, that I hope to have answered when we visit.
Recently I had to go back to Loyola in Baltimore, where I graduated from, to get my transcripts sent to another university. While on campus I regretted telling him not to apply to Loyola because, even though it has a pretty liberal reputation, my sister, my brother, and I did get a good education there. And we all came out of it with our faith intact, despite the goofy theology and harassment from some of the faculty we had to put up with.
My brother, whose daughter goes to St. Joseph’s says it’s basically a clone of Loyola, so I’m more receptive to it than I might have been several months ago.
BTW, we just got word tonight that they’ve added on to his scholarship, so that, together with my employer’s contribution, he basically has a free ride for tuition. Room and board are another matter…
He’s also considering Boston University, which we have visited and really loved, but we haven’t heard from them yet. UNC Chapel Hill is another school he’s considering.