St. Paul MN...St.Agnes 10 am Latin Mass

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This morning a friend of mine and I attended the Latin High Mass at St. Agnes in St. Paul. We sat near the front…about the 4th row. As such we could not see much behind us.

This question is really for those in the local area in case you were there.

The Mass was beautiful and I"m hooked…first experience at the Communion rail. I have to confess that I don’t think I got as much as I could have as I was a bit lost, even with a printout of the Latin/English translation. And the Communion rail…I had NO IDEA how to proceed so Deo Gratias (Lt: Thanks be to God) my friend was with me to kind of “lead”.

Anyway, during the homily, which was in English, the priest spoke about the issues facing us at election…abortion, stem cell research…etc. There were 2 women behind us and when the priest begain talking about how abortion has always been and still is wrong they got up…I remember someone behind me genuflecting and rapidly walking down the aisle towards the back of the church.

The homilist stopped and actually watched her/them leave. I did not turn around although I wanted to. After a bit, heels still echoing away, the priest said into the mike, “It’s still wrong.” And went on with his homily.

My friend and I discussed this on the way home. Neither of us turned around, but we both felt that the tension in the Mass was palpable. Of course this woman/women (I thought there was only 1, she thought there were 2) could have had genuine reasons for leaving, given the actions of the homilist and the timing, it seems likely that the rapid exodus had to do with the non-politically correct homily.

So! Was anyone from the local area there and did you see what happened behind us? We believe that the woman must have made some sort of gesture or something happend that we couldn’t see to cause the homilist to actually react…and we BOTH independently FELT the tension.

I don’t mean to gossip but I really do wonder about what might have transpired today. I have never seen a homilist react to someone leaving the church and his comment apparently directed at the person leaving was pretty obvious.

Sometimes I wish I was a kid again so I could justify my nosiness and reasoning for turning around!

Anyway…on a more positive note…is the Latin High Mass ALWAYS that beautiful, and is it ALWAYS so hard to understand the homilist what with all the echoing?
that’s really weird - the kind of people who’d be offended by a homily that said “abortion is wrong” aren’t usually the kind of people who are attracted to a traditional Latin Mass.
Anyway…on a more positive note…is the Latin High Mass ALWAYS that beautiful, and is it ALWAYS so hard to understand the homilist what with all the echoing?
The Symphonic Mass is always that beautiful! 👍 And their sound system for the celebrant leaves something to be desired. 😦

I wasn’t there this morning; I was at the Basilica for the 9:30.

But they never mince words at St. Agnes. I remember once when I was there, and I think it was Father Altier who is now the pastor, gave a pep talk sermon to the parishioners. He said it far better than I can recreate it, but it was something along the line of “you know that other Catholics make fun of you because of your faith; but that’s OK, because you are doing what Jesus has requested of us. Don’t let people making fun of you bother you.” :amen:

And this is true. When the subject of St. Agnes comes up, people are either awe-struck because of their faith, or they make jokes about them. And the majority tell jokes. :tsktsk: Of course, most Catholics around here probably have never heard of them.

But if it wasn’t for St. Agnes, we would be a lot worse off in this archdiocese. They make up for a lot of St. Joan of Arcs.

I don’t know if it was there or some other church I attended once, but the homilist was mentioning some orthodox issue, it might have been on war or the death penalty or something like that, when all of a sudden somebody screamed “Liar” from the back of the church and stormed out the door.

Some folks just seem to want banana cream pie for their instructions. They don’t want much substance.

All you can do is pray for them.

Just as an aside, what did you think of those statues of Sts. Peter and Paul up by the altar. To my way of thinking, they destroy the beauty of the church because they are about three times as big as they should be. They’re way out of proportion with the rest of the interior. :bigyikes:

I suspect that someone who is a major donor to all their fund raising projects went out on their own and gave them as a gift to the parish and nobody could figure out how to refuse them. :rolleyes:
As a slightly-more-than-occassional St. Agnes attendee, I would agree with Ray. I was not at the Latin High Mass this last Sunday (I was at the 8am at the Cathedral – I’ll pit my Cathedral against your Basilica Ray!! 😃 )

Both Fr. Welzbacher (the pastor) and Fr. Altier (the associate pastor) give very strong homilies, every single week – and they are not afraid of any reaction that they might get for doing so. I can see either one of them reacting like that but only if there was a visible reaction from the lady/ladies that the congregation (at least those behind them ;)) saw too.

I too would like to hear from someone about the circumstances of that event, I will contact a few friends today to see (I’m sure they were there…) and let you know.

Hey – if you liked the Mass this Sunday, consider going to the Requiem Mass tomorrow night (All Souls Day) there – it is an annual event, Mozart’s Requiem Mass celebrated the way Mozart envisioned it!! Mass begins at 7:30pm, however, our group is going to the church at 6:45pm to try to get good seats. GO VOTE FIRST! (I’m voting early in the morning) Much better than sitting at home and having a nervous breakdown over returns 😉


As a slightly-more-than-occassional St. Agnes attendee, I would agree with Ray. I was not at the Latin High Mass this last Sunday (I was at the 8am at the Cathedral – I’ll pit my Cathedral against your Basilica Ray!! 😃 )​

Hey – if you liked the Mass this Sunday, consider going to the Requiem Mass tomorrow night (All Souls Day) there – it is an annual event, Mozart’s Requiem Mass celebrated the way Mozart envisioned it!! Mass begins at 7:30pm, however, our group is going to the church at 6:45pm to try to get good seats. GO VOTE FIRST! (I’m voting early in the morning) Much better than sitting at home and having a nervous breakdown over returns 😉

I’ll see your Cathedral and raise you a pound of incense and three icons!​

Great idea about tomorrow night. It will be better than watching votes trickle in and listening to lawyers talking about election fraud.

If you see me, look for a geezer, big, bald and wearing a blue jacket. 😃

If you can’t vote for either of them, consider the Christian Freedom Party in Minnesota. Thomas Harens, St. Paul, a former state legislator, is running for President on that ticket. He says that “he will appeal to religious voters who feel that Democrats don’t care about them and that Republicans are misrepresenting true Christian values.” 👍

THE Pro-Life Election Sermon America SHOULD Hear:
Hey – if you liked the Mass this Sunday, consider going to the Requiem Mass tomorrow night (All Souls Day) there – it is an annual event, Mozart’s Requiem Mass celebrated the way Mozart envisioned it!! Mass begins at 7:30pm, however, our group is going to the church at 6:45pm to try to get good seats. GO VOTE FIRST! (I’m voting early in the morning) Much better than sitting at home and having a nervous breakdown over returns 😉

Which priest is the old one? He was difficult to understand, although I’m sure it would have been easier if it weren’t for the echoes fighting each other!

Anyway…I would LOVE to go to the Requiem Mass, but I get off work at 7, work 10 + hour days (including travel time), and I live about 30 minutes from St. Agnes. If I didn’t have dogs I’d be able to go, but they can’t be alone for that long. 😦 So pray for me…I’ll be there in spirit!

I have to say that ever since I’ve left I’ve just had such a sense of peace! I can’t explain it at all.

Veritas, please let me know if someone saw what actually happened. I get paid to be nosy (really, I’m not kidding) and I can’t help but wonder now what really transpired.
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