St. Severa/ ND prolife youth rally

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I was at ND campus in South Bend this weekend for their first prolife youth rally. Bishop D’Arcy sponsored it. It was a small crowd but a powerful one. It is refreshing to know there are some good catholics there. Trish Short was a guest speaker. The Notre Dame football players were a no show—I don’t know if they had a good excuse.

I felt as though our Holy Father was amongst us as we spread his message of a new evangelization and with much hope I pray that this rally put on by the ND Right to Life Youth Education Outreach will become the majority at this catholic university instead of the minority.

The rally ended with mass at the Basilica for the Holy Father. My students and I following mass toured the Basilica. We came upon the relics of a 3rd century child martyr whose name is Saint Severa. I looked for more information on her in Butler’s but could find nothing. Does anybody know her history? The plaque displayed at the Basilica did not give much history of her martyrdom. God Bless, Joanna. You can actually read more about this saint on Notre Dame’s website. They have a replica of her body on the campus in a shrine there. Link on the site to read more about it. Now if we can get our Catholic colleges and universities not to allow the production of Vagina Monologues on Campuses…unfortunately, even Notre Dame allowed this, we would be more in line with what our late pope hoped for …teaching Catholic values completely on all Catholic universities, without exception.
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