St. Terese rose stories?

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Anyone have any Saint Terese rose stories?

I have one that just happened to me today (Saturday, January 28, 2006).

To make it short, I asked for a sign after doing a novena, not for kicks, but I really felt a need to know if my request was acceptable to God almighty, and not only did I think I needed a rose, but I thought I needed yellow rose.

Well, on Thursday I went to a lunch-time mass for workers in a church near my office, and part of the way in, I suddenly realized that there were yellow roses, about 30 total on either side of the part behind the altar. Ok, that’s interesting, but still, there are always flowers in church. So no big deal.

Then today, after having lunch with someone, we ended up walking in a quiet residential area, talking about this and that, and then the conversation veered towards church. I told this person that I had started going back to church, and that she should think about coming too, since she was raised Catholic. Anyway, the exact moment when I said the word “church”, this motorcycle passed by with a basket in the front, full of perhaps 24 pink/white roses. The yellow rose thing maybe was a stretch, but that coupled with what happened today, and I really believe it was my sign. Until now, for a whole month, I was kind of hoping to see roses, and I saw none, really. Then on Thursday, the day before the novena ended, I saw yellow roses, and today, the day after, I saw that motorcycle. I wanted to go see the roses in the church again yesterday and today, but the church was locked both days…

Actually, I have been doing a 54-day novena since New Years’ day (I am doing many novenas these days), and yesterday, the 27th, was the end of the “request” portion. I had until recently been questioning the rosary, but I decided to do the 54 day one because it is considered the most powerful novena of them all. Anyway, I believe St. Terese held back on the sign until I finally caved and went for the big kahuna (the rosary), and then gave me those signs…

Does what I said sound like a stretch?

I just wanted to thank Saint Terese so much, not only for her intercession, but also for her sign, and to mother Mary for her intercession as well.

I should also mention my gratitude for the intercessions of Saint Jude and Saint Anne (Mary’s mother), and also that I also asked for Sr. Josefa Menendez’ intercession.

Thank you all for your help. Thank you so much

Anyone else have any rose stories?
St. Therese has sent me roses so many times, and I’m very grateful. The first time it happened, I had been praying for guidance to make an important decision. On the fifth day of a novena to St. Therese, I was at work, just walking into the reception area as a florist was delivering a big bouquet of red roses to the company. Another time, again after a novena, a single rose bloomed on our climbing rose bush. It was September and the bush had long been out of bloom. Just today–I’ve been praying for another special intention–I happened to turn on the TV and right there was gardening show all about roses.
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