St. Therese "The Little Flower"

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This morning, I started the 5 day novena to St. Therese. On my way to work, taking the subway train, I saw a lady wearing a denim jacket with a bouquet of little flowers embroidered on it’s back. I’m just wondering if St. Therese only send roses (and nothing else) as a sign that your prayer is being heard or answered. Do other types of flowers count? Just curious.

I’d appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
You could take it as a sign from her if you want.
She has sent me roses, but I asked her specifically for roses.
Try asking her specifically for a rose and she might very well answer you if you’re being sincere.

I don’t ask her for a rose all the time, just when it’s very important. The rest of the time I just have faith she’s listening.
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it.🤩🤩🤩

In my case, I didn’t specifically ask her for any signs. I just saw those little flowers (not roses) on my way to work. That’s why I was wondering if that counts. 🤔🤔🤔
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