What is the cost to enter or yearly for st Thomas Aquinas seminary in Virginia? Whats are some of the requirements?
It’s great that you want to administer the Sacraments in the EF. But, and this is only my impression, what concerns me is your drawing a difference with “Novus Ordo priests”. There are no Novus Ordo priests nor Novus Ordo Sacraments. The efficacy of the Sacraments come from God, not the (valid) rite they were celebrated in. A blessing from a priest ordained in the EF does not impart more grace on it than a priest ordained in the OF. As much as I love the EF and would like the OF to use more of the elements that the EF uses, I feel that the attitude of the superiority of the EF over the OF can swing to such an extreme that it is basically revamped Donatism. I’m not saying that, for example, wanting to bring back exorcised salt back to the water used in baptism is Donatist. I’m saying there seems to be this attitude that somehow my baptism in the OF is lesser than that of the EF. Rites are not Sacraments. If you get ordained in the OF, you’ll still be able to administer Sacraments in the EF.Why? I’m very young and so I still have a lot of curiosity and no spiritual director yet. So I’m sorry if I did all that. I’m still being educated.