I am the only remaining practising catholic out of all my sisters and my mother. One went with Buddhaism (sp). One claims she talks with the dead, and does crystals and reiki like some meduim and the other claims she is all the above, she is an attention seeker and my mother doesn’t like God any more because of all the misery in the world and to her.
How do I be a polite catholic woman amongst all of this.
My phsic sister, I can’t even spell the word, gave me some archangel oracle cards, and they are beautiful, in it it speaks of God and archangels, are these tarot cards.?
I have told them I am in a parish community and enjoy my faith.
I also want to be careful with the phsic sister because she just lost her husband to motor neurone disease and if I tell her I think talking with the dead just garbage it may hurt her. I have already had some slight conflict with her over my not wanting to contact the dead. She says everbody is phsic.
Definitely not easy being the only remaining catholic with this lot.
I apreciate someone’s wisdom with thanks
How do I be a polite catholic woman amongst all of this.
My phsic sister, I can’t even spell the word, gave me some archangel oracle cards, and they are beautiful, in it it speaks of God and archangels, are these tarot cards.?
I have told them I am in a parish community and enjoy my faith.
I also want to be careful with the phsic sister because she just lost her husband to motor neurone disease and if I tell her I think talking with the dead just garbage it may hurt her. I have already had some slight conflict with her over my not wanting to contact the dead. She says everbody is phsic.
Definitely not easy being the only remaining catholic with this lot.
I apreciate someone’s wisdom with thanks