The time has come for all of us in this forum to take a stand and stand together. There are many people here who are going through a tough time and who are in alot of pain (physically, mentally and emotionally). We need to stand in the gap for these people and pray and really pray.
Sometimes people feel that they are alone and there is nobody to talk to or nobody understands what they are going through right now. But there is somebody that is always there it is God. No problem or situation is too much for him. That we should never loose faith, hope and belief. And we should not let our feelings, emotions and circumstances dictate to us how we should live.
Sometimes people feel that by taking their own lives (e.g. suicide) is the answer to everything. And it is not the answer. I should know been down that road and all it did was make a situation worse than it really is.
Let us take a stand that we are not going to allow circumstances to bring us down, we are not going to allow our feelings and emotions to bring us down, we are not going to allow people to bring us down, we are not going to allow our failed marriages and relationships brings us down, we are not going to allow our family/friends/kids to bring us down. That we are going to go down on our knees and Thank God for the good he has done in our lives. For the things that he is still going to do in our lives. We are going to pray for those who have done use wrong, for those who have hurt us and caused us pain and suffering. We are going to never quit because God would not quit on us he is always there when we need him not only in bad times but also in good times.
We should stop looking at the bad in our lives and start looking at the good. We cannot be in a black hole forever there is a light at the end of the tunnel but you have to take that step nobody can push you into that direction except yourself. And stop living in worry, suffering, pain, agony, misery, unhappiness, hatred, unforgiveness etc. All we are doing by holding on to all of this is preventing ourselves from moving.
By me hating my husband and his mistress for the contribution that they made for the breakup of my marriage all I was doing was holding myself back from healing. It made me happy to live in that misery, pain and suffering. It was good to feel like the victim. I am a survivor and God has shown me the path that I need to be on. That I should stop worrying that I do not have money to do 1,2,3. I should be thankful I have a home to go to, a job, two beautiful children, running water, electricity etc. Some people do not even have half of what I have. And here am I having these feelings of hatred, unforgiveness, feeling sorry for myself, crying about things that happened so long ago. Sometimes we need to just let it go so that we can move on with our lives instead of reliving a situation over and over and over again. That sometimes things are just not meant to be. That God has another plan for us.
But we need to trust in him and stop trusting in the materialistic things or the worldly things. Because when we die we leave all this behind.
Sometimes people feel that they are alone and there is nobody to talk to or nobody understands what they are going through right now. But there is somebody that is always there it is God. No problem or situation is too much for him. That we should never loose faith, hope and belief. And we should not let our feelings, emotions and circumstances dictate to us how we should live.
Sometimes people feel that by taking their own lives (e.g. suicide) is the answer to everything. And it is not the answer. I should know been down that road and all it did was make a situation worse than it really is.
Let us take a stand that we are not going to allow circumstances to bring us down, we are not going to allow our feelings and emotions to bring us down, we are not going to allow people to bring us down, we are not going to allow our failed marriages and relationships brings us down, we are not going to allow our family/friends/kids to bring us down. That we are going to go down on our knees and Thank God for the good he has done in our lives. For the things that he is still going to do in our lives. We are going to pray for those who have done use wrong, for those who have hurt us and caused us pain and suffering. We are going to never quit because God would not quit on us he is always there when we need him not only in bad times but also in good times.
We should stop looking at the bad in our lives and start looking at the good. We cannot be in a black hole forever there is a light at the end of the tunnel but you have to take that step nobody can push you into that direction except yourself. And stop living in worry, suffering, pain, agony, misery, unhappiness, hatred, unforgiveness etc. All we are doing by holding on to all of this is preventing ourselves from moving.
By me hating my husband and his mistress for the contribution that they made for the breakup of my marriage all I was doing was holding myself back from healing. It made me happy to live in that misery, pain and suffering. It was good to feel like the victim. I am a survivor and God has shown me the path that I need to be on. That I should stop worrying that I do not have money to do 1,2,3. I should be thankful I have a home to go to, a job, two beautiful children, running water, electricity etc. Some people do not even have half of what I have. And here am I having these feelings of hatred, unforgiveness, feeling sorry for myself, crying about things that happened so long ago. Sometimes we need to just let it go so that we can move on with our lives instead of reliving a situation over and over and over again. That sometimes things are just not meant to be. That God has another plan for us.
But we need to trust in him and stop trusting in the materialistic things or the worldly things. Because when we die we leave all this behind.