Starbucks A Habit Easily Broken

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Posted: August 10, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Meghan Kleppinger
© 2005

It’s been two weeks since my last Starbucks coffee.

Admittedly, I am one of those who don’t think twice about dropping $4 for a cup of coffee that costs less than $.50 to make. I am a self-proclaimed coffee house junkie and need that wonderful yuppie, intellectual “atmosphere” and freshly brewed aroma as much as the caffeine.

When I moved to D.C. right out of college, I encountered my first Starbucks drink, or should I say “experience”? Growing up in a military family, I loved chain restaurants because of the sense of familiarity they offered in every new town we moved to. So, to be able to get the same type of specialty coffee – grande, iced, skim, sugar-free vanilla, latte – everywhere, was an addiction waiting to happen.

Fast forward four years, and about 800 lattes later – I’m a Starbucks addict! When a report came out earlier this year showing that none of Starbucks’ charitable contributions went to conservative causes, I didn’t blink – I bought a latte. When I walked by a liquor store in Northeast D.C. with a big advertisement for Starbucks liquor, I kept walking, stopped in at Starbucks and bought a latte! When I was at work a couple weeks ago, reading an e-alert from our California organization (yes, latte in hand), I finally had a wake-up call. READ MORE
You know contemplative, you are going to sway me to give up my Starbucks (I brew it at home) yet. I just sort of settled into drinking Starbucks Breakfast Blend around 1 year ago. I have no particular lockhold for this company’s brew. I recall recently another poster that took offense to your challenge that they should not be advertising in their signature column this company which actively supports an agenda that goes against the teaching of the Church. I will give it more thought before my next purchase, and of course, I will have to send a letter to the company stating my reasons for doing so if I commit to a boycott of their product.
Contemplative- You seem to have a real personal vendetta aginst starbucks. :hmmm:
Contemplative- You seem to have a real personal vendetta aginst starbucks. :hmmm:
I am not sure what you mean by personal vendetta. Could you please explain?

Meghan Kleppinger’s short editorial is quite good and should be read by all. Hopefully all will think twice about buying that overpriced coffee that helps fund the murder of innocent babies.
On this thread and at least one other you have taken issue with members who patronize Starbucks, only on the other one it was because of their “support” of PP. Now you post this? Starbucks is not some axis of evil, they are simply a company. I can’t help but think that you energy would be better focused elsewhere.
You know contemplative, you are going to sway me to give up my Starbucks (I brew it at home) yet. I just sort of settled into drinking Starbucks Breakfast Blend around 1 year ago. I have no particular lockhold for this company’s brew. I recall recently another poster that took offense to your challenge that they should not be advertising in their signature column this company which actively supports an agenda that goes against the teaching of the Church. I will give it more thought before my next purchase, and of course, I will have to send a letter to the company stating my reasons for doing so if I commit to a boycott of their product.
If you’re looking for a really good alternative, that is socially and environmentally concious, look into Fair Trade Coffee. There is a clearing house group called Global Exchange online that has a listing of many companies selling this coffee.

For those who don’t know, Fair Trade coffee is usually shade grown, organic coffee, in which the distributors agree to pay a living wage to the coffee growers. It comes from most of the same regions of the world as Starbucks or any of the name brand coffees, with the full selection of brewing strengths, flavors, grinds, etc.

Best of all, if you’re willing to buy a few pounds at a time, you can buy it for less than what you pay for a bag of Starbucks or any of the other “gourmet” coffees at the supermarket. I buy mine from a company called Dean’s Beans. I pay about $6.75 a pound and when I buy 6 pounds my total order with shipping runs about $50, or just over $8 per pound.

There is also a company called Equal Exchange that has Church based programs where you can use it as a fundraiser at your Church. I think they do free shipping with some order amount.
If you’re looking for a really good alternative, that is socially and environmentally concious, look into Fair Trade Coffee. There is a clearing house group called Global Exchange online that has a listing of many companies selling this coffee.

There is also a company called Equal Exchange that has Church based programs where you can use it as a fundraiser at your Church. I think they do free shipping with some order amount.
Thank you for the suggestions. :coffee:
If you’re looking for a really good alternative, that is socially and environmentally concious, look into Fair Trade Coffee. There is a clearing house group called Global Exchange online that has a listing of many companies selling this coffee.

For those who don’t know, Fair Trade coffee is usually shade grown, organic coffee, in which the distributors agree to pay a living wage to the coffee growers. It comes from most of the same regions of the world as Starbucks or any of the name brand coffees, with the full selection of brewing strengths, flavors, grinds, etc.

Best of all, if you’re willing to buy a few pounds at a time, you can buy it for less than what you pay for a bag of Starbucks or any of the other “gourmet” coffees at the supermarket. I buy mine from a company called Dean’s Beans. I pay about $6.75 a pound and when I buy 6 pounds my total order with shipping runs about $50, or just over $8 per pound.

There is also a company called Equal Exchange that has Church based programs where you can use it as a fundraiser at your Church. I think they do free shipping with some order amount.
You can also get Fair Trade coffee at Trader Joe’s, one of my favorite stores:
On this thread and at least one other you have taken issue with members who patronize Starbucks, only on the other one it was because of their “support” of PP. Now you post this? Starbucks is not some axis of evil, they are simply a company. I can’t help but think that you energy would be better focused elsewhere.
Aww…it doesn’t bother me. I agree with you that all this energy would be better focused elsewhere, but if it makes her happy picking on me…that’s ok. I have thick skin. Must be from drinking all that coffee.
~ Kathy ~
Aww…it doesn’t bother me. I agree with you that all this energy would be better focused elsewhere, but if it makes her happy picking on me…that’s ok. I have thick skin. Must be from drinking all that coffee.
~ Kathy ~
Enough of your nonsense.
Contribute to this thread in sensible way or start your own in support of your preferred poison.
I feel like I’m missing out on something–this isn’t going to turn into a Jerry Springer moment is it? 😉 I’ve read the other threads referenced and this is just getting funny.

Buy Starbucks or don’t buy Starbucks. It’s as simple as that. Or, be like me and live 40 minutes from the nearest one, so Starbucks isn’t even on your radar screen.
Enough your nonsense.
Contribute to this thread in sensible way or start your own in support of your preferred poison.
Ok my dear…here is my “sensible contribution” . I like Starbucks and I will continue to drink it in spite of what you or anyone else has to say. As an American, that is my right. Just as it is your right to disagree.

What would be interesting to see would be how many people are “closet whatevers” just because it isn’t popular or “right”. At least I am not afraid to admit what I like and I can take the flak for it.

My father taught me not to back down in the face of controversy just because something isn’t popular.So really this is my dad’s way of saying " Way to go Katie".

~ Kathy ~
Ok my dear…here is my “sensible contribution” . I like Starbucks and I will continue to drink it in spite of what you or anyone else has to say. As an American, that is my right. Just as it is your right to disagree.

What would be interesting to see would be how many people are “closet whatevers” just because it isn’t popular or “right”. At least I am not afraid to admit what I like and I can take the flak for it.

My father taught me not to back down in the face of controversy just because something isn’t popular.So really this is my dad’s way of saying " Way to go Katie".

~ Kathy ~
And may you see this image in your cuppa Starbucks next time you drink.
Getting off topic–anyone want to bet on when this thread’s going to be closed?? Vegas puts the odd aat 5:1. 😃
The charity level of this thread has deteriorated greatly. This thread is now closed. Thanks to all who participated.
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