So, I’ve been a member under a different screen name for several years but had to change due to password and email issues no longer relevant on caf. Starting from scratch-okay change is good. not sure about where to post this. Decided this was as good a place as any.
Actually just wanted to share I’ve not been to a mass in many decades and fighting the compulsion to go for several years. This past Monday I went to daily mass and the following 2 days as well. Found some peace, though I’m kind of way out of sorts on what to do. Following along as best I can. Not sure where this will go or whether it’ll continue but feels seems right now. Thank you for reading. Be well-stay safe.
Actually just wanted to share I’ve not been to a mass in many decades and fighting the compulsion to go for several years. This past Monday I went to daily mass and the following 2 days as well. Found some peace, though I’m kind of way out of sorts on what to do. Following along as best I can. Not sure where this will go or whether it’ll continue but feels seems right now. Thank you for reading. Be well-stay safe.