Stations of the Cross - Debunked!

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Well here’s a ‘nice’ little site that totally sets me straight on where the stations of the cross get it wrong. :rolleyes:

I really wish people would put this much energy into studying the faith as they do trying to spread falsehoods about it.
I believe every one is entitled to their own stupid opinion.

First they did not address the stations as much as this one particular version of this. I particularly liked the part about too much focus on the cross. Just like that darned St. Paul who preached nothing but Christ and him crucified. (notice he did not say Christ and him resurrected)

These people could use a little bit of balance from some more solid theologian,… like Jack Chick.

I, also, got rather ticked off about the part that Mary is dead and praying to her is talking to demons.
Wow, that was a whole lot of complaining about nothing at all. They might as well complain about how naming the Bible, ‘The Bible’ doesn’t capture the entire essence of Scripture instead reducing Scripture to nothing but a symbol of a bunch of books.:rolleyes:

But anyway since we’re on the topic and I hate to waste a thread, can anyone tell me about the three falls and Veronica and any other extra-biblical things in the stations that are not found in the Bible, was this tradition?
I have read many other pieces from the same author (I was an avid reader of his materials beforre I began to study Catholic theology for myself, and have been so culpable of the same blindness). It’s sad to see how one’s taught fears about the Catholic Church can translate into such pathetic and nonsensical articles as the one you linked to.

Pray for his reunion with the true church… No one is beyond the embrace and reach of Christ… I need to pray for Him, and ask God for forgiveness at even laughing at that piece… It’s really sad… too sad. They are in such darkness. O that God would give me the tears of Christ.
  • Hugo

“O Jerusalem… How many times have I longed to gather your children beneath my wings… but you would not let me.” (Matt. 23:37)
Yes I agree. As much as these sites get to me, I"m glad I’ve found them. They’ve taught me about the lies that are spread about the Church, and I’m better able to defend the Church if necessary.
These people could use a little bit of balance from some more solid theologian,… like Jack Chick.
I, also, got rather ticked off about the part that Mary is dead and praying to her is talking to demons.
The words of Christ Himself rebuke this belief more eloquently than any other argument could.

Mark 12
[26] And as for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God said to him, `I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?
[27] He is not God of the dead, but of the living; you are quite wrong."
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