Anyone know?
I agree that they do not use a type of NFP. It is sad and the Church should address. Actually fellow Catholics kinda laugh at me for using NFP. I only hope to be a witness that it works with the Lord’s guidance.I know that most Catholics today do not practice it, and I believe the Church should address this and teach on this subject.
Phill- do you know where i can get the book?I use it and I like it a lot. I am listening to “nakedwithoutshame” which is a laymens version of Pope John Paul ll’s encyclical on his “theology of the body”. It is outstanding, and only costs $3.99 for the 10 CD set.
Im pretty sure its www.nakedwithoutshame.com
FYI,I’ve heard that NFP doesn’t work very well [as in there are pregnancies], but the plain ol’ rythm method does work well for the consciencious.
I used NFP to get pregnant does that mean it didn’t work well? At one time, people who intended to get pregnant were listed as a failure in the statistics. I won’t forget the negative comment my doctor made about NFP not working and I was proof when he had to back track his statement when it dawned on him that I intended to be pregnant.I’ve heard that NFP doesn’t work very well [as in there are pregnancies], but the plain ol’ rythm method does work well for the consciencious.
I’ve not practiced either, but I am the result of the rythm method. My parents wanted two children. They conscientiously used the rythm method. The got two children, no more.
I haven’t read all the way through this thread so this may have already been addressed but - the truth is NFP is more accurate if used conscientiously than even the Pill. The old Rhythm method is highly unreliable as not all women are perfectly regular and that is what this method goes on.I’ve heard that NFP doesn’t work very well [as in there are pregnancies], but the plain ol’ rythm method does work well for the consciencious.
I’ve not practiced either, but I am the result of the rythm method. My parents wanted two children. They conscientiously used the rythm method. The got two children, no more.