Statistics on Catholics that use nfp

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Don’t know the stats, but you might try looking at

If they don’t have it, they likely have a link to a website that does.
I know that most Catholics today do not practice it, and I believe the Church should address this and teach on this subject.
I use it and I like it a lot. I am listening to “nakedwithoutshame” which is a laymens version of Pope John Paul ll’s encyclical on his “theology of the body”. It is outstanding, and only costs $3.99 for the 10 CD set.
Im pretty sure its
We too use NFP and find no problems with it. Yes, it should be taught more and spoken of more from pulpits. You may want to check the Couple to Couple League
John Paul III:
I know that most Catholics today do not practice it, and I believe the Church should address this and teach on this subject.
I agree that they do not use a type of NFP. It is sad and the Church should address. Actually fellow Catholics kinda laugh at me for using NFP. I only hope to be a witness that it works with the Lord’s guidance.
I use it and I like it a lot. I am listening to “nakedwithoutshame” which is a laymens version of Pope John Paul ll’s encyclical on his “theology of the body”. It is outstanding, and only costs $3.99 for the 10 CD set.
Im pretty sure its
Phill- do you know where i can get the book?
I’ve heard that NFP doesn’t work very well [as in there are pregnancies], but the plain ol’ rythm method does work well for the consciencious. 🙂

I’ve not practiced either, but I am the result of the rythm method. My parents wanted two children. They conscientiously used the rythm method. The got two children, no more.

The NFP method has been shown in at least a dozen studies to be 99% + effective at preventing pregnancies. Some of these studies were even conducted by the World Health Organisation, so noone can argue about bias in data collection.

If a couple abstains when they know they are fertile, it is biologically impossible for them to get pregnant. A woman is only fertile for a finite window of time during her cycle; abstainence during that fertile window will prevent any pregnancy.

But you must not mix up the ‘method’ pregnancy rate, with the ‘user’ pregnancy rate.

The method is practically 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, it is the users not using the method correctly which will lower this pragnancy prevention rate.

The rhythm method on the other hand has an incomparably higher pregnancy rate, essentially it is really based only on chance.
I don’t know how scientific it is, but I did a “sample” survey at my house, asking all the adults in the house whether they used NFP. One-hundred percent of the adults in my house do use it, so if that is any indication, one-hundred percent of Catholics must be using it now (margin of error around 90%).
I’ve heard that NFP doesn’t work very well [as in there are pregnancies], but the plain ol’ rythm method does work well for the consciencious. 🙂

I’ve not practiced either, but I am the result of the rythm method. My parents wanted two children. They conscientiously used the rythm method. The got two children, no more.

I used NFP to get pregnant does that mean it didn’t work well? At one time, people who intended to get pregnant were listed as a failure in the statistics. I won’t forget the negative comment my doctor made about NFP not working and I was proof when he had to back track his statement when it dawned on him that I intended to be pregnant.
It has been said it will “divorce proof your marriage” for it breaks down the Berlin wall of contraception.
I find it is 100% effective in my household, and 100% used in my household.

To get valid statistics would be very difficult as others have said, it depends on the data set you are working with and the perspective you perceive. If I am looking at every pregnancy as proof it doesn’t work then I will skew my data as many use NFP to get pregnant.

I am sure many Catholics in the United States do not use NFP just like many Catholics in the United States don’t go to Church every Sunday, this probably happens often in other countries also as they are influenced more by a secular lifestyle.

God Bless
NFP isn’t the only licit approach to family planning. Couples who do NO particular planning are entirely within moral boundaries as well!

Perhaps the question you REALLY want to know is how many married catholics of reproductive age use contraceptives?

Even then, do we define catholic as anybody baptised? Someone who goes to mass regularly? Somebody who goes to mass weekly and prays daily? Someone who goes to mass weekly, prays daily and goes to confession at least twice a year?

Hint: the percentage of contraceptive users declines rapidly as you progress along that scale! Think about it.
I cannot remember the exact numbers cited at our engaged retreat, but it was something along the lines of the poster who noted how often Mass was attended and how much they prayed together.

By not cohabitating prior to marriage, attending Mass weekly, praying together daily, and not using contraceptives, couples can reduce the likelihood of divorce to below 1%.
The last U.S. statistic I saw said that NFP use among Catholics was only 1% higher than the use of NFP in the general non-Catholic population.

This didn’t surprise me. I went through Catholic schools and few had more than two children (though I know this isn’t necessarily an indicator of how it was achieved). I didn’t even know the church had a teaching about birth control until I was 17 and because I’d been taught about contraception, as had all my friends, I assumed it was optional or not taken seriously.
I’ve heard that NFP doesn’t work very well [as in there are pregnancies], but the plain ol’ rythm method does work well for the consciencious. 🙂

I’ve not practiced either, but I am the result of the rythm method. My parents wanted two children. They conscientiously used the rythm method. The got two children, no more.

I haven’t read all the way through this thread so this may have already been addressed but - the truth is NFP is more accurate if used conscientiously than even the Pill. The old Rhythm method is highly unreliable as not all women are perfectly regular and that is what this method goes on.

We use NFP to a degree - we no longer take temps. or record mucus. We do use mucus type and cervix signs though. We have been successful in avoiding a pregnancy for many years doing this and we do have good and just reasons to do so that I will not go into as that is between my husband, myself and God.

NFP is also a great way to help one get pregnant so it works wonderfully well, both to help couples who have good reason not to get pregnant as well as those who want to get pregnant!

Brenda V.
Yes, we use NFP too! We used it to avoid pregnancy in the beginning of our marriage, and then we “reversed” the rules and got pregnant on our first try 🙂 Now we’re using ecological breastfeeding, and our son just turned one yesterday! We feel ready to have the next one and are just going to let our son wean at his own pace and let God send us our next baby when He sees fit 😉
NFP education in my mind works completely because we have no fear about bringing new life into this world. Seven more and I can have my own baseball team! 🙂

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