Statistics on child molesters?

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I have read in the past that, for all we hear so much about the priests who molested boys, there is actually a higher percentage of child molesters in virtually any other field. For example, if x% of priests have molested boys, (x+3)% of Protestant ministers have, (x+4)% of teachers have, etc.

However, I am not having any luck guessing the right combination of words to plug into google to find any information at all on what percentages of various professionals have been accused or found guilty of this.

Does anybody know this?

Also, on a side note, how would you address the statement that it is ‘heterosexual men’ who molest boys? And does anyone know the average ages of the boys in question with the priest scandals? I have heard that many of them were in their mid to upper teens.
Found some more statistics from this site:
Here is a copy of the section on teachers:

The Statistics of Teacher sexual abuse to Students

• The best estimate is that 15% of students will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff during their school career.
• Though, when the American Association of University Women Foundation surveyed more than 1,600 students in eighth through 11th grade, 25 percent of the girls and 10 percent of the boys who said they had been harassed or abused said the harasser was a school employee.
• The number of K-12 public and private school students in 1996 who have been or will be sexually abused by a member of the school staff is nearly 7 million of 51,331,000.
• Between 1% and 5% of teachers sexually abuse or harass students.
• At least a quarter of all school districts in the United States have dealt with a case of staff sexual abuse in the past ten years.
• Most cases of sexual abuse of students by teachers are never reported.
• In nearly half of the cases, suspects were accused of abusing more than one student.
• Only two cases were cases of false accusations; less than 1 percent of the cases studied.
• No type of school was immune to abuse: public or private, religious or secular, rich or poor, urban or rural.

Responses to Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Students by Staff

• 38.7% of the teachers resigned, left the district, or retired
• 17.5% were spoken to informally
• 15% were terminated or not re-hired
• 11.3% received a formal verbal or written reprimand
• 8.1% were suspended and then resumed teaching
• 7.5% were cases where the superintendent determined that the teacher hadn’t meant to sexually abuse
• Of the nearly 54% of abusers who resigned, weren’t rehired, retired, or were terminated, superintendents reported that 16% were teaching in other schools and that they didn’t know what had happened to the other 84%. All but 1% of these teachers retained their teaching license.

Teacher Student Sex Legalities
• In 20 states, it is not a crime for school employees—including teachers, administrators, and coaches—to have sex with students aged 16 and over.
• In 23 states, it is not a crime for school employees to have sex with students aged 17 and over.
• In 45 states, it is not a crime for school employees to have sex with students aged 18 and over.
• In 16 states, it is a crime for adults in a position of trust and authority—teachers, administrators, and coaches among them—to have sex with students under the age of 18.
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