Stats For Converts To Church

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Does anyone know a source for current conversion stats? And also for stats, if such exist, for people leaving the Church?

Thanks for any help you can give.
Catholic almanac from Our Sunday visitor updates this annually, it is taken from stats reported by all parishes each year of how many receive sacraments for the first time. an actual pew count is taken on a set Sunday in October in very church of how many adults and children are in attendance that day, and is used as the figure for active Catholics, and the variations each year noted.
Thank you puzzleannie.

I’ve been searching throughout the Internet for some specific numbers, without success. Several weeks ago someone told me that 600 protestant ministers a year were beong converted to the Catholic Church. I couldn’t find that stat either. You’d think if the numbers were that great they could be easily found.
Several weeks ago someone told me that 600 protestant ministers a year were beong converted to the Catholic Church. I couldn’t find that stat either.
That’s possibly a world statistic, definitely not a US statistic. Even on a world level that’s a lot, unless some group of ministers converted as a group.
you can’t blame The Church for some of the problems. Afterall we are all human and prone to error.

If I didn’t believe this I wouldn’t be converting.
Thanks all for your comments on people coming into the Church. The numbers for RCIA might be considerably lower than the total entering the Church if we count also the “reverts” many of whom would not be counted in RCIA.
AmberDale - one of our Priests so perfectly said - “Humans are fallible, even in the Church. The Holy Spirit is not.”
The ‘Coming Home Network’ deals with this issue … well with that of the clergy anyway. Most of the guests on the show are former ministers or missionaries of other faiths who came home to the Catholic Church.

Marcus Grodi is one such minister and he heads up the apostolate. They have a website, but I do not recall it at the moment. Do a Google search on ‘Coming Home Network’ and you will find it. Or simply log on to EWTN and you will get a link. His numbers are very high.

You can also get some of this info from Dr. Scott Hahn in his books, as well as Jeff Cavins and others.

Hope that helps.

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