Statues and Candles

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I purchased a small statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a couple of candles to place in my bedroom. I now need a way to explain to my Southern Baptist grandparents that I’m not worshiping the statue or the candles. My grandfather is a preacher and was Catholic until his late teen years. I don’t know how they will take this, though they haven’t said much about me converting, yet. Thanks for the help.
Easy. Place a picture of someone else you love (a familiy member, boyfriend, wife, whatever) and place it in an honored place in the room. Put a flower or other nice decoration nearby. If they object to the statue and candles, ask them why they aren’t objecting to the picture. It is there for the same reason: to remind you of the One you love. 🙂
It might seem a bit snotty, but the Catholic Church is very open about its documents; you might ask them where in those documents it is taught by the Church that we are to worship statutes?
Easy. Place a picture of someone else you love (a familiy member, boyfriend, wife, whatever) and place it in an honored place in the room. Put a flower or other nice decoration nearby. If they object to the statue and candles, ask them why they aren’t objecting to the picture. It is there for the same reason: to remind you of the One you love. 🙂
:clapping: The picture you chose could even be a picture of your inlaws. A Catholic has these images, statues to remind us of those we love:love: the most not a worship thing. Personally I love the reminders in my home. Every room has Christ and most have Mary. My inlaws who have no faith can’t stand it. But its ok because I did not put them there for them.
Really dumb question…but why would they be going in your bedroom? :confused: :confused: No one comes in my bedroom without permission…so if I put up a little statue and light some candles the only person who would be bothered would be my Protestant husband…and he wouldn’t care.

dream wanderer
Every home that bears a picture of Christ’s Sacred Heart , He will honour, it is not the picture but the love that drew you to place the picture of Him there and to frequently gaze at it with love, for love of Him.

I can understand that you may feel a little awkward because you don’t feel you can explain the love you have of Christ that causes you to want to place a picture or a statue, and put candles or flowers before them, but simply say, if they ask you why they are there ‘I love Him’, if they ask why, say ‘Get to know Him and you’ll love Him too’. Have confidence in Him dear friend, He will never let you down.

God Bless you and much much peace and love to you always xxx
I would like to say thanks to everyone who responded to my question. I was at a loss for an explaination and you helped greatly. They seem to be excepting it, so far so good. Thanks again and God bless you all. Matt
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