Stay and contend for the Faith...or dust off my feet and go

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Okay, I’m having a bit of a mental/faith dilema.

Once upon a time I happened upon a Christian website forum. Fast forward through a persistent troll who was able to divide them and strike down their sense of trust so much that they shut down the site, they have started anew.

My initial thought was to move on and not look back…but I was specifically invited to rejoin them at their new site…for whatever motive…I believe it was the decision of a mod who thought me to be polite and well-reasoned…anyway…

Now, these aren’t the friendliest as a whole, but there are a few who are friendly toward Catholicism, and some at least not outright beligerant. It’s a very small group, no more than 26 members as of yet.

I feel like there is a positive in that 1) the more I debate, the more comfortable I become with ‘debate’ and the more I am forced to learn my Faith…and 2) it’s an opportunity to show some other Christians that there is more to Truth than what they have been taught and they should be asking some very serious questions of themselves and their belifes. To sum up the positive…even if they don’t pay any attention to me…by debating the ones who REALLY disagree with the Church, I am learning more and more and growing deeper in the Catholic Faith…being forced to delve more deeply into Catholic theology and doctrine and Church history.

On the other hand, it’s really tiring…draining to continue to point things out that get completely ignored, to have to continuously re-direct the topic back to what the topic is about when the ‘rabbits’ start hopping all over the place, or to ask for a person to support an assertion that was made…and have them start to change the subject so as to excuse themselves from haivng to support their claims. To sum up the negative…it’s time-consuming, emotionally draining, and an very unrewarding experience (which I realize is not as bad as it could get).

So, I guess my question is, at what point does one know when to shake off the dust and leave? I feel like God wants me to present Truth to these folks…but at the same time I can’t help be think that I’m not making any difference there at all…that everything I say is simply dismissed because the “so-called [c]atholic is blinded by the pope…having drunk the kool-aid…” (paraphrased). And I can’t really say for sure that God is calling me to be there…I truly don’t know for sure.

My 2 cents…

Since they are restarting and have specifically asked you to return, I would be inclined to do so. However - I would want to make my concerns known to the owners/moderators of the site. Tell them that you would be happy and honored to contribute to any and all respectful discussions but that you expect the moderators to do all they can to make SURE that discussions ARE respectful and remain on topic.

After that - well - I’m afraid you are just going to have to deal with the rabbits and the strawmen as they come up…🤷

My 2 cents…

Since they are restarting and have specifically asked you to return, I would be inclined to do so. However - I would want to make my concerns known to the owners/moderators of the site. Tell them that you would be happy and honored to contribute to any and all respectful discussions but that you expect the moderators to do all they can to make SURE that discussions ARE respectful and remain on topic.

After that - well - I’m afraid you are just going to have to deal with the rabbits and the strawmen as they come up…🤷

That’s actually really good advice, James…letting the mods know that I enjoy being there and participating, but that I expect even-handedness and respectful debate. Thanks.

What I have found in my own experience that when we talk with people who are not willing to search earnestly and with humility for the truth, they will not change their minds. But it is in what we don’t see where God is working,

I would suggest that if you do return, that in all discussions always remember to speak with charity, as St Peter told us* “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect”.*
We never know who might be reading what we write. But we can be sure that if someone who is searching with a humble heart for truth; they will be more likely to find it in respectful and gentle responses that are well thought out, which rest upon the truth given by the rock which is the Catholic church. As opposed to those filled with hostility, with no intention to listen to others and written with a lack of considerable thought due to a rush to shoot down others.

Some seeds fall on rocks and in thorns, but some do find good earth and produce fruit.

Good luck and God bless.
I was trying to recommend the writings of St. Claude de la Columbiere on “The Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence.” If you google it the pdf version is a good read. Prayers for you.

Nige90 and hazcompat,

Thank you for your wise words and recommendations.
Okay, I’m having a bit of a mental/faith dilema.

Once upon a time I happened upon a Christian website forum. Fast forward through a persistent troll who was able to divide them and strike down their sense of trust so much that they shut down the site, they have started anew.

My initial thought was to move on and not look back…but I was specifically invited to rejoin them at their new site…for whatever motive…I believe it was the decision of a mod who thought me to be polite and well-reasoned…anyway…

Now, these aren’t the friendliest as a whole, but there are a few who are friendly toward Catholicism, and some at least not outright beligerant. It’s a very small group, no more than 26 members as of yet.

I feel like there is a positive in that 1) the more I debate, the more comfortable I become with ‘debate’ and the more I am forced to learn my Faith…and 2) it’s an opportunity to show some other Christians that there is more to Truth than what they have been taught and they should be asking some very serious questions of themselves and their belifes. To sum up the positive…even if they don’t pay any attention to me…by debating the ones who REALLY disagree with the Church, I am learning more and more and growing deeper in the Catholic Faith…being forced to delve more deeply into Catholic theology and doctrine and Church history.

On the other hand, it’s really tiring…draining to continue to point things out that get completely ignored, to have to continuously re-direct the topic back to what the topic is about when the ‘rabbits’ start hopping all over the place, or to ask for a person to support an assertion that was made…and have them start to change the subject so as to excuse themselves from haivng to support their claims. To sum up the negative…it’s time-consuming, emotionally draining, and an very unrewarding experience (which I realize is not as bad as it could get).

So, I guess my question is, at what point does one know when to shake off the dust and leave? I feel like God wants me to present Truth to these folks…but at the same time I can’t help be think that I’m not making any difference there at all…that everything I say is simply dismissed because the “so-called [c]atholic is blinded by the pope…having drunk the kool-aid…” (paraphrased). And I can’t really say for sure that God is calling me to be there…I truly don’t know for sure.

Start slowly and don’t get used to time.

Peace and God bless You
What you would be doing there is hard work. I try to keep a certain way of thinking in mind: that I am exaining the Church’s position, not debating. If someone then asks a relevant question or for clarification, that makes sense, but if it’s just a sort of verbal boxing match, at some point I will remember my policy and bow out.

Also, I have found that every debate with Protestants boils down to a difference in the view of authority. They see theirs in Scripture, which doesn’t make a lot of sense; ours is in the Pope, whom Christ gave the Church.

Christ said that if the townspeople would not receive His apostles, they should leave and shake the dust from their sandals. I don’t think you have to stay there, maybe you need a break. Maybe the invitation was a mass emailing to all precious registered members?

Either way, it should not stress you out or take you away from your duties of your state of flife.
Yes, I know what you mean, ahs. I used to post over on Slate’s Faith-based Fray, as one of only a few Catholics at all and one of the only orthodox ones. It is amazing how much misinformation is out there to be corrected. I agree with the prior posters who suggest you can only explain, with charity and good will, the faith. The rest is up to the Holy Spirit.

That being said, it ended up being kind of a nice little community, until Slate pulled the plug in favor of a new commnet system. I still get emails from some of the gang there.

Now, I check in over at the “bad” NCR (under a different nic than here), again so orthodoxy can at least be represented, but it is really discouraging over there, since the readers and contributors are Catholic. It is also good, as you allude, to hear the other position’s arguments, so one can be familiar with them when needed to either clarify or correct misunderstandings.

I have also found that some topics are just not amenable to posts, i.e., the application and development of conscience, St Augustine’s views on sexuality, for example, which just require too much nuance and detail for internet posts.

All that being said, can you agree to participate when you can, or does agreeing to be part of the new site mean you are committing to being there daily or otherwise really regularly?

I visit Political Jack’s Religion board, similar to Slate’s old board, although it is slow in terms of new posts, and not all that interesting therefore.
Okay, I’m having a bit of a mental/faith dilema.

Once upon a time I happened upon a Christian website forum. Fast forward through a persistent troll who was able to divide them and strike down their sense of trust so much that they shut down the site, they have started anew.

My initial thought was to move on and not look back…but I was specifically invited to rejoin them at their new site…for whatever motive…I believe it was the decision of a mod who thought me to be polite and well-reasoned…anyway…

Now, these aren’t the friendliest as a whole, but there are a few who are friendly toward Catholicism, and some at least not outright beligerant. It’s a very small group, no more than 26 members as of yet.

I feel like there is a positive in that 1) the more I debate, the more comfortable I become with ‘debate’ and the more I am forced to learn my Faith…and 2) it’s an opportunity to show some other Christians that there is more to Truth than what they have been taught and they should be asking some very serious questions of themselves and their belifes. To sum up the positive…even if they don’t pay any attention to me…by debating the ones who REALLY disagree with the Church, I am learning more and more and growing deeper in the Catholic Faith…being forced to delve more deeply into Catholic theology and doctrine and Church history.

On the other hand, it’s really tiring…draining to continue to point things out that get completely ignored, to have to continuously re-direct the topic back to what the topic is about when the ‘rabbits’ start hopping all over the place, or to ask for a person to support an assertion that was made…and have them start to change the subject so as to excuse themselves from haivng to support their claims. To sum up the negative…it’s time-consuming, emotionally draining, and an very unrewarding experience (which I realize is not as bad as it could get).

So, I guess my question is, at what point does one know when to shake off the dust and leave? I feel like God wants me to present Truth to these folks…but at the same time I can’t help be think that I’m not making any difference there at all…that everything I say is simply dismissed because the “so-called [c]atholic is blinded by the pope…having drunk the kool-aid…” (paraphrased). And I can’t really say for sure that God is calling me to be there…I truly don’t know for sure.

I’ve been in this situation before.

It goes hand-in-hand with “pearls to the pig and sacred things to the dogs.” Debate is good but the aforementioned is also important.

You need a set amount of “standard formulas” that you can use continuously whenever you feel that a basic tenet of your faith is being questioned, attacked or blasphemed.

Many a blasphemy has been [tolerated] under the guise of jest and inclusiveness. Know when to announce, denounce and renounce.

I once left a chat room, forum kind of place because what I was saying was giving someone else in the room material to insult the Blessed Mother. I said, " If my leaving will keep you from making those comments about the Blessed Mother, then I will leave."

I left and the thread was left without anyone…that was an occassion to not only shake the dust from my sandles but to not throw pearls to the pig or sacred things to the dog.

hope this helps.
Thanks everyone for the great (name removed by moderator)ut and thoughts. I’ve decided to stick around and just lower my expectations…to not expect to convince anyone, per se, but to explain what I can…when I have time…and pray for the best.

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