Why are we still wasting so many umbilical cords when their stem cells can cure so many people?
hindu.com/2006/10/26/stories/2006102614470200.htm…The ray of hope for Gurudev comes after Mr. Singh learnt about a major transplantation procedure that could give his son a new lease of life. And the procedure has been made possible by a step very few in the city even know of.
Mr. Singh had decided recently to go for umbilical cord blood preservation of his four-month-old daughter so that her stem cells could come handy at some point of time later. Now they have turned out to be a perfect match with Gurudev’s cells. “Experts have said that transplantation of my daughter’s stem cells, which are a perfect match with Gurudev’s cells, will help him to lead a better life,” Mr. Singh says…