BioCatholic asked:
Then I guess they will deserve a Nobel Prize because they will have understood both the trigger mechanisms responsible for the formation of cancerous tumours and how to cure them.
Wrong. ESC develop into tumors because there is no extracellular signals for them to differentiate into the proper cell type. Normally, they rely on receptors on their cell membrane to be activated, which then carry the signal to the nucleus, and supress the wrong genes, and activate the right ones. growing in a dish lacks the right outside signals, so they divide, and divide, and divide… Essentially, cancer. uncontrolled cell division. people once thought that putting them inside the brain would allow them to recieve the right signals, but it doesnt.
Example: PC12 cells are an immortal cell line that divide like mad. Add Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), and they morph into a neuronal-like state, and do not divide anymore. I have used these cells and HEK293 (human embryonic kidney) cells to do single ion channel recording on NMDA receptors and potassium channels.
once people discover the right molecule that halts uncontrolled division in ESC, they can slow down their division and coax them into the right cell type using tissue matrices.
Cancer has nothing to do with this. “Cancer” is a blanket term for uncontrolled cell division that eats up local resources around healthy cells, causing them to die and make more room for new cancer growth.
you say “when pigs grow wings”, but if i am not mistaken, havent quite a few Nobel Lauriates done things that were said to be impossible, or would take decades to do? so few people get to hear these Lauriates speak, and i have had the priviledge of hearing FOUR. ESC are just waiting for the right person with the right vision to come along. look at the Nobel website, and read the biographies of the people. it will stun you.