Hi everyone, first post here, got a question…
2379 of the Catechism says “The Gospel shows that physical sterility is not an absolute evil.”
I assume that people of the old testament viewed barrenness as a punishment for their sin or the sin of their ancestors, as they did with blindness, or other physical problems (if I am not mistaken).
But I’m having trouble finding actual references to the topic of sterility in the Gospels, and the perspective taht it is not (necessarily) a bad thing.
any help… greatly appreciated
Thanks, Jeff
2379 of the Catechism says “The Gospel shows that physical sterility is not an absolute evil.”
I assume that people of the old testament viewed barrenness as a punishment for their sin or the sin of their ancestors, as they did with blindness, or other physical problems (if I am not mistaken).
But I’m having trouble finding actual references to the topic of sterility in the Gospels, and the perspective taht it is not (necessarily) a bad thing.
any help… greatly appreciated
Thanks, Jeff