Steven Universe-- Problematic to watch?

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One of my favorite shows, when I wasn’t taking my faith seriously, was Steven Universe, which, as many may know, is about a boy who goes on adventures and confronts intergalactic matriarchies etc etc etc.

I have fallen out of love with the show as I got serious with the faith, I still am not absolutely certain it’s immoral to watch, as the show is notorious for its homosexual themes and other LGBTQ+ issues.
The problems lie in the show’s Gem characters, a species that takes female forms but are technically without gender, but anyone could tell the message the show is bringing across with romantic relationships between them, with even a wedding taking place between two of the gems. The worst part of this show is its target demographic is to children.

Other than that, I did really love the story (when they aren’t just showing filler every 2 months that they get an episode), and some of its characters are really deep, I found the show really intriguing.

But the details I mentioned really stick out like a moral sore thumb.
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If I didn’t watch any shows that had sinful acts in them, I’d have nothing to watch. It’s a shame they’re putting homosexuality in so many shows now, especially kid’s shows, but I don’t think it’s wrong to watch them as an adult.
I wouldn’t show it to kids.
Although, technically, the Gems are a one-gender or a-gender race, they clearly present as female on the show, and little ones aren’t going to understand the distinction.

Older people who are grounded in their faith shouldn’t have any problem with it.
I’ve just watched a video of it on Youtube. Comon, you guys, what is left from the show if you take out the gender-theory propaganda from it? It’s all about that. I am a grownup and the whole he/she being interchangeable the whole time is so annoying and repetitive. They’re clearly selling out these gender fluid ideas and that’s what the show is all about.
I’ve just watched a video of it on Youtube. Comon, you guys, what is left from the show if you take out the gender-theory propaganda from it? It’s all about that. I am a grownup and the whole he/she being interchangeable the whole time is so annoying and repetitive. They’re clearly selling out these gender fluid ideas and that’s what the show is all about.
This. The show is LBGTBBQ propaganda through and through. I wouldn’t watch it as an adult, let alone allow kids to watch it.
I really used to like it before they started with the kissy kissy stuff. Even though they said the gems had no gender, I could immediately recognize where they were going. It’s like that one Star Trek TNG episode where a species with no gender is persecuting those who have are either feminine or masculine.
I had considered watching it before because I saw how popular it was, but decided not to when I saw how it seemed to be promoting those ideals. If they were upfront about it it wouldn’t bother me as much, but they’re not, they’re clearly trying to mask it and pretend it’s suitable subject matter for kids.
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I wouldn’t show it to children. And I don’t see the appeal as a Catholic adult.

Anyway, try watching some shows from the Golden Age of Cartoon Network. You won’t regret it.
Actually, the show’s creator is actually pretty upfront about the message she is trying to bring across. She knows she’s normalizing homosexual behavior that’s even her intention with these actions in the show, it’s disgusting

However, there actually isn’t the gender fluidity that has been mentioned on this thread before. The gems are always referred to as “she”. As someone who used to watch the show a lot, the show isn’t wholly based around homosexuality, or at least that’s what younger me thought. I just saw it for the plot.

It really is a shame what they’re trying to cement into the minds of children
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It really is a shame what they’re trying to cement into the minds of children
To add to this, I do agree this show should be off-limits to impressionable children. My problem with older people who are strong in their faith watching it is that it could be cooperating with the scandal the people behind the show are intending.

Could just be me being as scrupulous as I am but I don’t know.
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