so a few of my friends were discussing vocations today. one guy who left seminary said he wans’t sure if he was called to marriage, and everyone kind of just was awkwardly silent and stared.
I feel the same way, there seems to be no place who don’t feel called to marriage or religious life. people treat you like you’re blocking out God’s voice of you’ve missed it or something.
and no one can seem to agree is single life is a vocation or not. do some people just not have primary vocations? I know some people end up being single, due to various circumstances. does that mean they don’t have a call? or did they just not listen to god. I thought he had a specific path for us? what if we fail to follow his path?
I feel the same way, there seems to be no place who don’t feel called to marriage or religious life. people treat you like you’re blocking out God’s voice of you’ve missed it or something.
and no one can seem to agree is single life is a vocation or not. do some people just not have primary vocations? I know some people end up being single, due to various circumstances. does that mean they don’t have a call? or did they just not listen to god. I thought he had a specific path for us? what if we fail to follow his path?