Stop Criticizing and Start Catechizing

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I don’t know what happened to these forums in the last 5 years, but there seems to be a lot more hostility. Any thread I click on outside of prayer intentions is full of people arguing. Even threads where the topic is a question asking for clarification, answers tend to take a condescending tone and shame the existence of misunderstanding. Rather than provide insight and explanations, questions are dismissed as disliked and focus is redirected.

Even in threads where debates are intended, they should be held with compassion. Debates shouldn’t be approached with the intention to “win” by silencing opposition or mocking parts of an argument. Debates should be aimed at finding the truth together. I have not been feeling the love here like I used to.
Like you used to back in February when you joined?

What I want to know is why so many people start threads complaining about CAF or people on CAF. There have been a lot of those lately.
What I want to know is why so many people start threads complaining about CAF or people on CAF. There have been a lot of those lately.
Most of the recent complaint threads have come from people who were recently suspended.

In some cases the person waited to start the thread till after they returned from suspension.
In other cases the person appears to have made a duplicate account so they could post complaints on here while their regular account was still under suspension.
I made a new account in February when I forgot my password rather than reset it because I wanted a better username. Sorry, I haven’t seen other complaint threads, but I guess if there are a lot of them that only confirms my own observations.
I don’t know what happened to these forums in the last 5 years, but there seems to be a lot more hostility. Any thread I click on outside of prayer intentions is full of people arguing. Even threads where the topic is a question asking for clarification, answers tend to take a condescending tone and shame the existence of misunderstanding. Rather than provide insight and explanations, questions are dismissed as disliked and focus is redirected.
Probably the same thing you have noticed in internet culture in general in the last 5 years. This is going to be a case of be the change you hope to see, and then consider this place is open to people of all varieties and temperaments. The yucky ones just stand out more.
I suppose that’s true. I’m just hoping to bring about a little self-awareness as well. You would think people would try harder to imitate the manner in which the apologists on Catholic Answers Live speak rather than getting so emotional.
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People generally put them in the “Site Feedback” section. We get about 1 or 2 of them a week, usually complaints about flags or suspensions.
Getting so emotional is something you may choose or choose not to read into people’s posts. It’s hard to know. I think a lot of people here do their best to find good resources and give faithful answers, but consider what variety of answers you would get if you were asking the people in the pews at your church. I feel like this place is somewhere I can ask questions. I recognize enough trusty posters I know give good answers, and am always excited when my mental list of trusty posters grows.
I don’t know what happened to these forums in the last 5 years, but there seems to be a lot more hostility. Any thread I click on outside of prayer intentions is full of people arguing. Even threads where the topic is a question asking for clarification, answers tend to take a condescending tone and shame the existence of misunderstanding. Rather than provide insight and explanations, questions are dismissed as disliked and focus is redirected.

Even in threads where debates are intended, they should be held with compassion. Debates shouldn’t be approached with the intention to “win” by silencing opposition or mocking parts of an argument. Debates should be aimed at finding the truth together. I have not been feeling the love here like I used to.
I agree with you. People can run to offensive and hostile in many threads rather then choosing calm charitable replies. Then flag when it is called out.

Debate is never fruitful in evangelising or showing people God.
Any ministering or leadership program in Lay Catholic Ministry will begin with this. Dont debate, just listen.

People often lurk as a visitor for quite some time before joining as a contributing member. I did. I see CAF as going through stages , more ascerbic, more charitable swings.
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I think we would do well to listen to st. James advice in his epistle, chapter 1 verses 26 to 27
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