Active member
I don’t know what happened to these forums in the last 5 years, but there seems to be a lot more hostility. Any thread I click on outside of prayer intentions is full of people arguing. Even threads where the topic is a question asking for clarification, answers tend to take a condescending tone and shame the existence of misunderstanding. Rather than provide insight and explanations, questions are dismissed as disliked and focus is redirected.
Even in threads where debates are intended, they should be held with compassion. Debates shouldn’t be approached with the intention to “win” by silencing opposition or mocking parts of an argument. Debates should be aimed at finding the truth together. I have not been feeling the love here like I used to.
Even in threads where debates are intended, they should be held with compassion. Debates shouldn’t be approached with the intention to “win” by silencing opposition or mocking parts of an argument. Debates should be aimed at finding the truth together. I have not been feeling the love here like I used to.