Stopping smoking Catholic chat rooms

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Does anybody know of any stop smoking preferably Catholic sites, it would be appreciated, God Bless.
My wife has COPD both of us are trying to quit, please pray that I ( the head of the household) can help my wife and other family members to quit, I need prayers to give me strength to lead by example, I am very weak, tired. Thank you. Matt ps I’m new on this site.
Are you in the U.S.? Don’t know any chat rooms, but maybe some resources.
Ask God to remove the obsession to smoke. When the temptations become great turn them over to God.

Good Luck.
Prayers offered for you and your wife.

May I suggest you and your wife ask your doctor to prescribe a nicotine patch, and at the same time, perhaps you and your wife can start a novena such as Mary, Undoer of Knots.
Ask God to remove the obsession to smoke. When the temptations become great turn them over to God.

Good Luck.
It’s a lot more than an obsession to smoke, it’s a neurological drive, the brain of a smoker is physically different (receptors, etc).
It’s tough, I’m on day 67 myself, every day DOES get easier after day 3.
Remember NOPE. Not One Puff Ever, you can NOT cheat,
Take one day, or one hour at a time.
If you do cheat the reward will only last 5 minutes and you’ll want another one real bad, real soon
I’d avoid nrt, maybe try Wellbutrin
Get an app for your phone, it will make you feel good to see how much $$ your saving and seeing how many days, hours etc you’ve accomplished.
Your body is a Temple, treat it as one
Prayers for you and your wife to successfully stop smoking. It’s very hard to do but keep trying and praying util you find what works for you. I’m confident you and your wife can do it!

I smoked for almost 50 years. During those years I tried many techniques and stop smoking aids and joined stop smoking groups and support groups but nothing worked.

How did I finally stop?

One day I told myself that I no longer wanted to be a slave to nicotine and could no longer afford to buy cigs and that the stinky cigarette I was smoking at that time was my last one. And it was! I made up my mind to stop smoking and quit cold turkey on the spot and it was much, much easier to do it that way that I’d ever have believed before then. A week or so of feeling “off” and that was it.

It’s been 3 years since I smoked a cigarette and I never even think about cigarettes anymore.

God bless you!
The drastic version a friend of my father’s used successfully: she used a baby food jar for her ashtray for a week.

She then put it in her purse, and sniffed it before pulling out a cigarette.

She never seemed to want a cigarette after that whiff . . .

The patches worked for me better than the gum. I did “relapse” a few times but never fully went back. God be with you and your wife, I hope that it won’t be too difficult for the two of you.
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