I’ve never watched “Modern Family” either.
I haven’t really seen too many sitcoms the last number of years.
I really like Sophia Vergara, and when
Modern Family was on after the late news (10:30 pm for us), I kind of stayed on the sofa and watched. It’s SOOOO funny!
During the COVID shutdown, my husband and I decided to order the DVD set and watch the whole show in order. We’ve really enjoyed it, and still have 5 seasons to go.
Yes, there are things on that show that Catholics/Christians would definitely find unacceptable because they are sinful. E.g., sex outside of marriage by the teens, the gay couple–actually, that’s about all I can think of that we find sinful.
But in spite of these issues, my husband and I find the show incredibly touching and family centered. The message of “FAMILY” is so strong, especially the message of the importance of children–the parents on the show sacrifice so much for their kids! And the kids, in spite of their faults, remain close to their parents and to their siblings. And everyone WORKS so hard–that’s a conservative message that my husband and I really like.
The Christmas episodes are very touching and hit home for me and my husband. We have similiar “family gatherings” (at least, we have until this season–I think that between COVID and my mother-in-law’s Alzheimers, it’s just not going to happen this year, and that makes me and my husband very sad). In the past, our family gatherings have been occasions for big family fights, hilarious games and other activities, deep conversations, etc.–just like the ones on Modern Family.
And six months later, no matter how crazy the Christmas gathering was, family members sigh and say, “Remember that great time we had making caramel corn when it caught on fire?” or whatever. And I’m happy/sad to say that when the doctor asked my mother in law what her best memory is, she answered with the name of our family gathering (which I won’t say here because it reveals where we live).
Sigh. That’s why we like
Modern Family–it’s so familiar. It’s us.
I think that often, supposedly “Christian” shows, films, plays, etc. lack a real-life element that the secular (sinful) shows have. I wish we had more Christians writers who did good TV/films. I know they’re out there–I believe that Tim Allen’s first show (the tool guy show) had Christian writers, and it was also a darned good show!