Strange Planet comic

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Anyhow, I’m scrolling through my FB feed, and one of my friends is woeful over how the guy who draws “Strange Planet” is anti-abortion, anti-bodily-autonomy, etc, etc, etc, so that means that she can’t, in good conscience, give him any more clicks or read any more of his work.

Because, y’know, she just discovered he’d posted on Twitter back in January, saying how happy he was that his girlfriend was given the gift of life, and he hashtagged #MarchForLife. Ahh, those crazy March for Lifers…

And everyone else is all “ewwwww” and “gross”.

Anyhow, send a few clicks his way, or whatever it is that webcomic artists who post their work for free enjoy. 🙂

Anyone who likes to laugh should look up these comics. It’s a plus that he’s pro-life too!
I really enjoy these comics, and now I like them even more. And it was a tweet from January 2017 stating he was so glad his girlfriend at the time hadn’t been aborted. I believe they are now married.

The amount of outrage that the artist isn’t in lockstep with pro-choice thought is incredible. If I unfollowed every artist who I disagreed with politically/whatever I would have very few comics/art to look at.
I was thinking the same thing. There are a number of talented and creative people who I disagree with vehemently on political or social issues… but I’m still able to appreciate their talent and their creativity. 💚

(edit-- I hadn’t realized it was a tweet from three January’s ago! The way my friend was making such a deal about it, it seemed excessive for something that happened months ago, let alone years. Sigh. She hadn’t picked it up herself, but someone she followed had tweeted “Eww, this guy’s pro-life” or whatever, since his cartoons were becoming popular, but I hadn’t noticed a date-mark on the re-tweet that had caught my friend’s attention.)
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Thank you for bringing a pro-life artist to our attention. They could sure use the support.
When I was reading those tweets made against him, I just got sooo angry.
There has been an association between the arts and the left for some time. These days I think we are starting to get more of a mixture of artists. Though, reactions like this might scare off more conservatives from becoming artists just when they were starting to get into it again
In my experience, conservatives tend to push their kids towards jobs that are more plentiful, less risky, or have a good payout for the cost investment, like the trades and certain professions. This can also explain why there are not a lot of conservative artists. Which is understandable: the life of an artist is not easy unless you get big and no parent wants to see their kid barely sustain themselves.
When an artist decides to go public with some political view, he’s generally well aware of the effects of him doing it.
He may still feel strongly enough about the issue to speak out and take the negative reaction he gets.
Also, negative attention is still attention. There are a bazillion Web comic guys out there and many of them are pretty obscure. This guy is now on everyone’s radar much more than he would be without having done this.

I also think there is starting to be more anti-abortion attitude out there, challenging the liberal idea that all young people are just fine with it. The Unplanned movie wouldn’t be doing so well at the box office if people weren’t having a conflict about abortion.
The chronology is different though. He went viral only recently but the tweet that someone dug up is two years old.

The latest update in this saga: He wrote a post that he and his wife are actually democrat voters and that prolife/christianity is their “private belief”
That’s what I believe about why conservatives haven’t been in the arts in the past. But now, in my country at least, even “normal” jobs are hard to get, so there’s less of an opportunity cost of being an artist. Other factors include - the internet makes it easier to get your work to a wider audience including to the subcultures that might be interested in it; people are more likely to have a “side gig” (second job - so they might have a “steady” job and be an artist on the side); and conservatives are starting to realize that having their own artists will help them in the culture war
He’s not alone in being a pro-life Dem. My whole family was. I remain registered Dem but I feel free to vote for whatever candidate I prefer regardless of party.
Pathetic that he felt the need to respond that he was actually democrat (as if it’s bad if he’s republican) and his beliefs are “private”. I respected him before hearing that.
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