Strict vs Loose Interpretation of US Constitution

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Which do you prefer and why?
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I see the thread title is now “US Constitution”.

I tend to lean towards originalism (e.g. Scalia and Thomas, though they didn’t always agree with each other) but am also open to the different modalities used by Alito and Roberts.

I think in the past the Court went a little berserk with loose interpretations and activism when they got into penumbras, privacy and abortion “rights”. I also was not a fan of the ever-broadening Commerce Clause power, nor of the attempts to limit the right to bear arms to local militias only. Loose interpretations of the Constitution will simply result in the Court becoming more political and losing respect, while the US Constitution will lose power and become like all those other countries where they are changing their Constitution frequently.
I am an originalist, and that is far as I will discuss the matter.
Since it was written over 200 years ago in a different world, I’d say loose.
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