String Theory, Extra Dimensions, other, your views?

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What are your views on String theory and extra dimensions? I just find them to be more proof of how beautiful and how complex God is. I know they technically only exist on paper because they have not been proven, but say they are proven… What are your views?
String theory implies energy fluctuations in space-time. In my view, there are no strings, just waves. The tops of the waves appear and disappear in regular order. In my view, they act as a type of energy pump. I doubt they are connected to another dimension, but may serve as universal energy regulators or distributors.

String theory implies energy fluctuations in space-time. In my view, there are no strings, just waves. The tops of the waves appear and disappear in regular order. In my view, they act as a type of energy pump. I doubt they are connected to another dimension, but may serve as universal energy regulators or distributors.

I was thinking that String Theory had been replaced by M-Theory, involving membranes rather than strings.
I have no problem believing in these ideas. Just because we have not found a way to “see them” does not mean they are not possible. The more we learn, the more real God seems to become.

As a student of Genetics (eons ago), I was always amazed at how complex and miraculous our very existence is. Just to simply understand the vast complexity of how we develop versus all that can go wrong, it is easy to see life is a miracle that only God could create.
I have long thought that the Life Eternal may lie in an alternate dimension.


What are your views on String theory and extra dimensions? I just find them to be more proof of how beautiful and how complex God is. I know they technically only exist on paper because they have not been proven, but say they are proven… What are your views?
Science: What is proven today, is found wanting and replaced by another theory tomorrow. That said, science does reveal God’s creation and thereby ultimately the Creator, Himself.

On a personal level, I say my shirt tore because a thread or string came undone. The alternative proposal has to do with the extra dimensions that come with a ten kilo increase in weight. :o sorry, it’s getting late.
Science: What is proven today, is found wanting and replaced by another theory tomorrow. That said, science does reveal God’s creation and thereby ultimately the Creator, Himself.

On a personal level, I say my shirt tore because a thread or string came undone. The alternative proposal has to do with the extra dimensions that come with a ten kilo increase in weight. :o sorry, it’s getting late.
Totally agree, it is late for me as well and I love how science and religion can blend so harmoniously, it only takes the eyes of faith.

Thought you guys might enjoy this:
No offence, but it seems probable that those theories are just nonsense.

The physical universe is described adequately by Newtonian physics. The principles of Newtonian physics are what makes cars go and planes fly.

Why would God include needless complexity in the universe, since its only purpose is to accomodate human live?

Three dimensions are enough. Why muddy the waters?

We are told to live in this world like strangers in a strange land. So let’s just accept things at face value…
No offence, but it seems probable that those theories are just nonsense.

The physical universe is described adequately by Newtonian physics. The principles of Newtonian physics are what makes cars go and planes fly.

Why would God include needless complexity in the universe, since its only purpose is to accomodate human live?

Three dimensions are enough. Why muddy the waters?

We are told to live in this world like strangers in a strange land. So let’s just accept things at face value…
But the physical universe is not described adequately by Newtonian physics. That’s why GPS devices have to take into account relativity theory in order for them to be accurate. Newtonian physics works for most things but it falls short at the micro and large macro levels.
. . . The physical universe is described adequately by Newtonian physics. The principles of Newtonian physics are what makes cars go and planes fly. . . .
When it doesn’t reveal the mysteries of God’s creation, science is an operating manual for matter.
Newton is so version 2.1.
You really have to get the latest upgrade to 3.6. It allows you to do things you never thought possible (especially in terms of blowing things up - it does that real good).
Don’t worry that it crashes, they’re working on the next version - it’s going to be awesome. Really! Trust me! No? Oh well.
Newton, in fact, got airflow dynamics wrong. If Newtonian physics were wholly accurate, we wouldn’t be concerned about flight security, but worn-out train tracks.

When it doesn’t reveal the mysteries of God’s creation, science is an operating manual for matter.
Newton is so version 2.1.
You really have to get the latest upgrade to 3.6. It allows you to do things you never thought possible (especially in terms of blowing things up - it does that real good).
Don’t worry that it crashes, they’re working on the next version - it’s going to be awesome. Really! Trust me! No? Oh well.
Yeah…but to be honest, I can’t do the maths to get past Newton…

God isn’t like one of those computer companies, who keep putting out upgrades just when you get used to one, is He?

What are your views on String theory and extra dimensions? I just find them to be more proof of how beautiful and how complex God is. I know they technically only exist on paper because they have not been proven, but say they are proven… What are your views?
I believe there are probably many different dimensions, some probably have intelligent life, but likely not anything like our world.

IMO, its just one of those things that humans are not yet able to understand, just another of Gods creations though, Im sure he has a reason for them.

I also think eventually mankind will discover how to ‘open’ a door or somehow gain the ability to take a peek into another dimension, (if they havent done so already). Id be interested in seeing one of these dimensions!
The physics and mathematics of this universe just does not jive unless there are more than the four dimensions that we are aware of. Everything that happens in this universe must be mathematically explainable. Only with additional dimensions does the physical universe makes sense mathematically.

One reason why Einstein was so certain that light would bend around the gravity of stars and why time would be slower further up in the atmosphere even though there was no way to physically demonstrate it during his life, was because the mathematics told him that was the case.
I like the way sting theory makes quantum mechanics and relativity compatible.

It may not be appropriate to imagine the angels as a whole string, but I often do because this allows them to be fully in the presence of God and our lives. This puts a twist on the philosophical question of “how many angels can stand on a pin?”

The Bible has introduced us to realms. Another common meditation I get distracted with is the Sorrowful Mysteries, Agoney in the Garden. I can’t help meditate on How Jesus must have experienced this agony in the garden in different realms; and I am curious if agony occured simultaneously or at differnt points of time. The first agony in the garden, which I believe we do not ponder enough, is how did Jesus agonize over leaving God to become human? Was Jesus in the Garden of Eden (as the tree of eternal life) or was Jesus in a heavenly realm that we look forward to going to? I can’t imagine either way it would be comfortable for God to knowingly become the word incarnate.

Pair this with the Sorrowful Mysteries where Jesus was leaving the realm (that we live daily) to journey to Hell (being crusified along the way)? It had to suck to go from God, to human, to hell … Agony!

Again, curiosity arises on if these events happened simultaneously? The ten dimentions of string theory seem to open more desire in my heart to understand how our God may reveal time, space, and meaning to us.
I like the way sting theory makes quantum mechanics and relativity compatible.

It may not be appropriate to imagine the angels as a whole string, but I often do because this allows them to be fully in the presence of God and our lives. This puts a twist on the philosophical question of “how many angels can stand on a pin?”

The Bible has introduced us to realms. Another common meditation I get distracted with is the Sorrowful Mysteries, Agoney in the Garden. I can’t help meditate on How Jesus must have experienced this agony in the garden in different realms; and I am curious if agony occured simultaneously or at differnt points of time. The first agony in the garden, which I believe we do not ponder enough, is how did Jesus agonize over leaving God to become human? Was Jesus in the Garden of Eden (as the tree of eternal life) or was Jesus in a heavenly realm that we look forward to going to? I can’t imagine either way it would be comfortable for God to knowingly become the word incarnate.

Pair this with the Sorrowful Mysteries where Jesus was leaving the realm (that we live daily) to journey to Hell (being crusified along the way)? It had to suck to go from God, to human, to hell … Agony!

Again, curiosity arises on if these events happened simultaneously? The ten dimentions of string theory seem to open more desire in my heart to understand how our God may reveal time, space, and meaning to us.
I understand where you are coming from, but when Jesus/ God was here on earth as a human, its not like he was 100% out of heaven, a ‘part’ of him was still in heaven, after all, the rest of the world still needed looking after during this time, the people living in what would one day become the US would have no idea all this was going on in the middle east, so God would still need to ‘be God’ during this time too.

However this is complicated and we cannot even begin to comprehend the hows and whys of this.

What are your views on String theory and extra dimensions? I just find them to be more proof of how beautiful and how complex God is. I know they technically only exist on paper because they have not been proven, but say they are proven… What are your views?
If such were true I would be happy for humans because yet again they would have proven themselves smarter than they look.

What are your views on String theory and extra dimensions? I just find them to be more proof of how beautiful and how complex God is. I know they technically only exist on paper because they have not been proven, but say they are proven… What are your views?
Pseudoscience. As I understand it, nobody has yet devised an experiment capable of testing any predictions of string theory.

That’s different from say, the Higgs boson, which for years was an elusive, sought-after thing predicted by theory. It took many years to build the experiment, but it was testable. There are other things like that within the realm of science, where the experiment may be difficult or impossible with existing technology. But it’s different with string theory, as far as I understand nobody has even been able to conceive of what would be a convincing experiment, technological limitations aside.

What are your views on String theory and extra dimensions? I just find them to be more proof of how beautiful and how complex God is. I know they technically only exist on paper because they have not been proven, but say they are proven… What are your views?
String theory is suppose to be the one underlying and fundamental principle of all things in the universe. Now that there is one principle of the universe and of all things created is true and this principle is God who is a distinct being from everything created by Him.

The first of the 24 Thomistic theses states: Potency and Act so divide being that whatsoever exists either is a Pure Act, or is necessarily composed of Potency and Act, as to its primordial and intrinsic principles.

God is Pure Act and He is supremely one. Whatever exists outside of God is a composite being and is necessarily composed of potency and act as to its primordial and intrinsic principles. In a word, there is not one created principle of the universe for whatever exists outside of God is composite and necessarily composed of potency and act as to its primordial and intrinsic principles.

I think this whole string theory idea is founded on people’s search for God, knowingly or unknowingly. Some may even deny that God is the one principle of the universe and would rather affirm that there is some one material principle of all things which is metaphysically impossible.
String theory is one of the more popular among theoretical physicists. The guys who produce the “dogma” appear, once in a while, with a new paper, give a talk and disappear again. They are treated, quite literally like rock-stars.

String, like Loop Quantum and M and good number of others (arrow-shadow being my favorite) are attempts to “unify” the 4 forces of nature (gravity, strong force, weak force and electromagnetism.) The tough one is gravity.

Theoretical physics is a little like a 24/7 olympiad where the best of the best struggle to devote as much as they can to understanding (let alone mastering) the subject. What separates String from the other theories is its mind-blowing mathematical complexity. It requires height of intellect and a degree of effort that results in perhaps (my anecdotal observation follows) 20-30% of top physicists losing the respect of their peers.

The extra dimensions in String follow from their necessity in describing certain fundamental interactions and frankly, the way they are described is rather bizarrely unlike the 4 (3 plus time) we are familiar with. Other theories handle phenomena requiring non-uniform, n-dimensional spaces in more “intuitive” ways.

Personally, I think that the complexity of String itself as well as, case in point, its very odd unintuitive predictions regarding dimensions wrapping up at low energy states suggest that there are some fundamental flaws. Perhaps it describes something well (not that it has done that on a level like thermodynamics, quanta, uncertainty, special- or general-relativity each have). There are, I think good reasons that the higgs-related findings of a couple years back are not necessarily as endorsing as they have been portrayed.

My opinion: String is, at least for the moment, mainly an extravagant and seductively complex set of ideas and equations that holds a large proportion of theoretical physicists enamored. Based on its complexity alone, I believe it shouldn’t. And in response to the particular question, the absurd manner in which it presents higher dimensions seems to me intuitive evidence tending to its disqualification.
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