That can’t be right because many Christians hold that. They say “There is not enough evidence to prove that Yahweh exists”, “so we believe in Yahweh on faith”.
Note: I am using “Yahweh” which is another name for the Christians’ “God” so that you don’t confuse “God” with “god”. When the capital “G” is used it refers only to the Christian or Jewish Deity, but when the small “g” is used, it could refer to Zeus or Thor or Odin or any of the pagan deities that anybody has worshiped. But there can be no confusion with “Yahweh”, even if you spelled it with a little “y” as “yahweh”.
The fact that the particular god of Christianity is named “God” is much like having a cat named “Cat”, a dog named “Dog”, or a horse named “Horse”. When you spell it with a capital letter, it means a particular one, not just any one. So I’ll stick with “Yahweh” if that’s OK with you, since it cuts down the confusion between “god” and “God”.
Theists, agnostics, and weak atheists all agree that “Yahweh” is coherently defined and is a meaningful term.
Agnostics say “Yahweh might exist, but I am not sure whether he does or not”.
Weak atheists say “I know that Yahweh does not exist”.
Strong atheists say " All definitions for ‘Yahweh’ given in dictionaries and by priests, such as ‘infinite omnipresent spirit’ are incoherent".