What is a strong sense of self?
Is it a strong identity, a strong sense of “Who you are” as a human being?
It seems such a strong sense of self woudl help us when life gets choppy or unpleasent.
A lack of a strong sense of self seems to the key component of Borderline Personality Disorder: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder
Apparently, with the above mentioned disorder, rejection is almost impossible to take, since the suffererer doesn’t really have a “self” to fall back on. Other people seem to have everything, the BPD sufferer has nothing. A person with a lack of self seems to depend upon the affirmation of others for survival.
If you have no self, how can you feel at peace?
Is it a strong identity, a strong sense of “Who you are” as a human being?
It seems such a strong sense of self woudl help us when life gets choppy or unpleasent.
A lack of a strong sense of self seems to the key component of Borderline Personality Disorder: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder
Apparently, with the above mentioned disorder, rejection is almost impossible to take, since the suffererer doesn’t really have a “self” to fall back on. Other people seem to have everything, the BPD sufferer has nothing. A person with a lack of self seems to depend upon the affirmation of others for survival.
If you have no self, how can you feel at peace?