If we lust after a woman in our hearts we commit adultery.
I make no apologies for blunt language.
What advice then is there then for a man who has created a life long habit of doing just this?
From the permissive sixties to the even more permissive present, women are dressed (in the West) to wet the male appetite at every turn of the head. Jogging women in tight leggings spring to mind…
Porn is as addictive as a drug.
I try to feel shame and repentance after each moment of lust or self abuse but now believe my prayers are paper thin. It’s OK I reassure myself, masturbation itself isn’t even mentioned in the bible.
I’m happily married but sex is off the cards pretty much as over familiarity and the constraints of endless Catholic guilt trips dampen the heat of passion. Yet, even in late 50’s the urges rage on.
There is then the additional mental irritation and guilt of having to turn to porn or at least imagination in order to please my wife (and myself of course - and us!) or suffer the indignity of not - ahem - rising to the occasion.
Didn’t God create me like this? Won’t He understand? Is it enough just to recognise my human frailty and relax with the excuse that I am simply committing a lesser evil to keep a marriage dynamic, He will surely understand and forgive?
What hope for us all with such endless struggles - that become less of a struggle as we are constantly defeated!
Perhaps I reach the seed of an answer in the sacrifice of His son our Lord. He knew without the rescuing cross that we would otherwise be doomed.
Over to you…
I make no apologies for blunt language.
What advice then is there then for a man who has created a life long habit of doing just this?
From the permissive sixties to the even more permissive present, women are dressed (in the West) to wet the male appetite at every turn of the head. Jogging women in tight leggings spring to mind…
Porn is as addictive as a drug.
I try to feel shame and repentance after each moment of lust or self abuse but now believe my prayers are paper thin. It’s OK I reassure myself, masturbation itself isn’t even mentioned in the bible.
I’m happily married but sex is off the cards pretty much as over familiarity and the constraints of endless Catholic guilt trips dampen the heat of passion. Yet, even in late 50’s the urges rage on.
There is then the additional mental irritation and guilt of having to turn to porn or at least imagination in order to please my wife (and myself of course - and us!) or suffer the indignity of not - ahem - rising to the occasion.
Didn’t God create me like this? Won’t He understand? Is it enough just to recognise my human frailty and relax with the excuse that I am simply committing a lesser evil to keep a marriage dynamic, He will surely understand and forgive?
What hope for us all with such endless struggles - that become less of a struggle as we are constantly defeated!
Perhaps I reach the seed of an answer in the sacrifice of His son our Lord. He knew without the rescuing cross that we would otherwise be doomed.
Over to you…
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